Sailing Through Life

Sailing Through Life
by Barb Radu Sprenger
ISBN 13:978-1463656775

When Barb lost her first husband suddenly in his 40’s, her life changed significantly. Not only did she have to deal with her own loss, but that of her two daughters. Meeting keen sailor Con Sprenger showed her the importance of living for the now, and so began her cruising adventure… life would never be the same again.

This book is not only the story of Barb’s journey through grief and out the other side, but also a beautiful insight into how a total beginner gets to grips with sailing, living on a boat and double-handed sailing some of Europe’s more unfriendly waters.

Barb’s sense of humor and ability to see the funny side of most situations should encourage many dubious “sailing wives” out there to get stuck in, and also perhaps enlighten some of those husbands that have to do it alone as to what they could do to help their female partners join in the fun.

From the Baltic to the Mediterranean, this book gives you a glimpse into Barb and Con’s life onboard their yacht “Big Sky” and snippets of the wonderful places they visit on their travels. A great read that will make you cringe, laugh and perhaps shed a tear or two as well.

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