Sailing Grace: Book Review

Sailing GRACE, John Otterbacher

Samadhi Press

ISBN 978-0-9793486-0-0


Softcover version (ISBN 9780979348617) costs $14.92.

This is a remarkable book written by a remarkable person. Diagnosed with a life-threatening condition, John Otterbacher undergoes a series of increasingly difficult operations, which, against all odds, he miraculously survives. Hardly back on his feet, he decides to grab the chance to fulfill his long-nurtured dream, of going cruising with his family. They get a boat, fit her out, and set off, but that is hardly the end of the story. The real story is the author’s amazing resilience and sheer bloody-mindedness in fighting his furred arteries and seriously damaged heart … and winning. The “Death” section of the book, that deals primarily with the medical side of things, is followed by “Life” and sailing. Gradually it becomes quite obvious that those medical problems had been almost easy compared to the problems encountered when they started cruising and they had to deal with some serious challenges as they make their way through the Great Lakes and then out into the open ocean.

Anyone reading this book will join this reviewer in applauding the author for his courage and determination as a patient. Part two will appeal primarily to sailors, some of whom will probably think: thank you, John, for being so candid and letting me know what not to do as a sailor and helping me avoid some of those mistakes. Taken as a whole the book is an excellent read. Highly recommended.

The book is available from the author’s website:

Posted November 2007

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