Family Blog: Sailing adventures of 2 boys around the world

Moya and her family crew of four, are exploring our planet from the sea. Jonathan (3), Joshua (5), Christian and Sabrina started their adventures in 2015 when Jonathan was just 3 months old, heading from the Baltic Sea down to Portugal. After a 2 year break, the family resumed their journey in September 2017, heading to Morocco, the Canary islands and across the Atlantic via Cape Verde.

After sailing the Caribbean Windward Islands, they visited Venezuela, Columbia and Panama on their way into the Pacific Ocean, which they sailed during 2018.  After crossing the Pacific, they visited Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and Sri Lanka in 2019 before heading home via the Red Sea.

They love to learn about foreign cultures, explore nature, sailing or hiking and tell stories of their little adventures on their website.

Started cruising – 2015; Back on land – 2019.

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