Review: Sailing Adventures in Paradise
  • Sailing Adventures in Paradise, including 101 Dollar Saving Tips for Sailors, by Vincent Bossley
  • E-book available to download at
  • Available from Kindle bookstore, Apple iBook store, and Barnes and Noble
  • 175 pages, color photos
  • $10

Vincent Bossley has had the interesting idea of compiling a practical list of 101 tips with an account of his four-year voyage from the United Kingdom to New Zealand on his yacht Tere Moana.

His account of his voyage is written in a vivid style that sets it apart from a standard cruising blog and evokes the many places he and his crew visited, from the crossing of the Atlantic, “that cold, leaden, restlessly heaving and intimidating body” to the delights of the South Pacific Ocean.

This reviewer rather liked the fact most of the narrative is from the little ship’s point of view, always raring to sail on towards the horizon and yet stoically putting up with her human crew’s foibles, for example as they complete their transit of the Panama Canal:

“Finally, into Miraflores Lock and … the huge, massively steel strapped and dripping gates crack open to reveal a sliver of ever-widening blue which is her first view of the mighty Pacific Ocean. She feels a jet of excitement pass through her and realizes that at last, this is the beginning of a great voyage – the crew also seem to be somewhat stimulated and prattle on about how smart they are to get thus far unscathed! Indignantly, she would like to remind them, if it wasn’t for her, they wouldn’t be here at all!”

Finally after two years visiting the Galapagos, French Polynesia, and Tonga, they make it to the Bay of Islands but not before riding through a tropical depression en route from Tonga, and a nailbiting account of a near miss from a rogue wave.

The sailing narrative is followed by “101 tips” intended to prepare you for blue-water sailing as well as save money where possible, without compromising on the safety of the boat and its crew. There are tips on what equipment to buy, how best to prepare for or minimize the need for repairs, as well as tips for life onboard (watch systems and provisioning), how to make life at sea more pleasant as well as life on shore – Noonsite especially approves of the tip 91, “A Little Politeness Goes a Long Way”:

“in my early days of planning, a very experienced sailor once told me that when you set sail in your own yacht, you are sailing around the word in your own little consulate of your native country. This places certain responsibilities upon you as a captain, and, that as a representative of your country, you would wish to uphold the good name of that country wherever you go. In addition, it also means that you would observe the protocol and customs of all nations you visit, no matter how tiny or seemingly insignificant they may be. They have their own culture and dignity, and this must be observed. Remembering this course of action, and practicing it, along with a good dose of politeness will serve you well. I will now quote you two occasions, one of it working, and the other, when not observed, not.”…. The two examples which follow demonstrate that the right or wrong attitude to local officials can have concrete results in the amount of time you may be allowed to stay somewhere or even the amount of fees you have to pay!

A useful feature of the book is that the “Tips” are hyperlinked throughout the sailing narrative so the reader can see how that particular tip was used during the voyage.

The package also includes a free six-page “10 Point Plan” from an International Marine Surveyor on what to look for when purchasing your dream yacht.

Vincent writes: ”My main thrust is to encourage people to jump that first hurdle in getting started with the planning of their cruising adventure. So many of us say ……..”yes, well when I have done this next thing I will begin”……….. and then something else comes along, comes along, comes along and then one day they wake up to discover that it is too late. What a terrible shame that is. If I can encourage them to begin, even in a small way, so that the idea takes seed, grows and grows until it takes on such massive size and passion in their minds, that in the end, nothing will stop them, then I will have done my job.”

Definitely recommended.

Posted July 2007

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