Weather Forecast Services for South Pacific

Published 19 years ago, updated 6 years ago

From: Bob McDavitt, Weather Ambassador

The main area I watch is from French Polynesia to the Australian East coast (but I can do Galapagos to Marquesas if you ask). I do not offer routing information (waypoints and so forth) but I do offer Weathergrams and 5-day forecasts —

Weathergrams: I occasionally (usually on a Sunday) send my weather ideas for sailing around the South Pacific as email messages which I call weathergrams. Use these to plan when to start your voyages. You can log yourself on (and off) these (and/or yacht reports) from

Bob McDavitt’s most recent weathergram is at;=Bob%20McDavitt’s%20Weathergram’s%20Weathergram

To receive a weathergram report by return email send an email, with a blank header and the word “weathergram” (without quotes) in the text body to Alternatively, send an email to that address with the word “help” (no quotes) in the body for information on all available email services. The weathergram list is free.

MetService High Seas Forecasts are sent in English by ZLM on HF 6224 and 12356 at 0303Z, 0903Z, 1503Z and 2103Z and on 8297 and 16531 30 minutes later. Full details are in the Nautical Almanac or at

MetService maps are sent by Radio Fax on ZKLF on SSB 3247.4, 5807, 9459, 13550.5 or 16340.1, Sked sent between 2300 and 2359Z and is at

All the above is free in the public domain.

Other weather forecast information by email: From for $10 you can get 100 messages, triggered by your own email, each giving a voyage forecast. Then there is – send an email with the word HELP in the message and it will auto-reply all its services. Sailmail and seamail also offer various weather packages.

Voyage forecasts (and weather watch/updates): When I’m available I can send you a weather forecast covering the next 5-days, by email or by fax (if sent by fax you get the weather maps). The forecast includes target pressures (my speciality). Cost is $NZ50 per forecast + any communication expenses, and $10 per 5 minutes for any extra weather updates. Let me know your Boat type and the name and likely departure date, speed and destination (and credit card info) a few days before you intend to sail. You can split the credit card details over two emails or phone/fax to Bob McDavitt, MetService Weather Ambassador, PO Box 68429, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand, Phone (+64 9) 377 4831 Fax (+64 9) 3075993

The Webfetch feature of sat phone email provider UUPlus does enable one to download the NZ Pacific weather fax charts over email. It takes about 1 minute, 20 seconds for a 15 kb chart; a cost of US$2.00 with Iridium, but the very good quality of an image.

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  1. August 2, 2019 at 11:09 AM
    ernest.vogelsinger says:

    Obviously the weathergram services on are no more available, neither at the URL given above, nor using the email address “yotreps”.