Warning if Taking on Fuel at Turtle Bay

Published 13 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Subject: Servicio “El Gordo, Jr” – Bahia Totuga

We would like to relate to you our recent experience with Servicio “El Gordo, Jr” in Bahia Tortuga. We ordered exactly 90 gallons of diesel delivered by panga to our boat. A delivery slip was presented to us for 337 litres/ 90 gallons. A factor of 3.75 on the fuel dock’s litre counter had been used to make the 90-gallon claim. The correction factor of 3.7854 yields 89.03 gallons.

After loading we checked our “Tank Tender” and determined that we had been delivered significantly less than claimed. Doing the calculations we determined that we had been delivered 82.55 gallons, not 89.03 gallons – a difference of 6.48 gallons 7.3% less than claimed. Having used our “Tank Tender” for some 13 years we know it to be reliably accurate.

We brought the discrepancy to the attention of Senor Enrique Gerardo Castro the owner. He steadfastly asserted that his fuel dock counter was 100% accurate. We took one of our standard 5 gallons/20-litre diesel jugs to his fuel dock and loaded it with exactly 20 litres as read by his fuel dock counter. It filled to a 1 ½” short of the 20-litre mark cast into our fuel jug.

We brought this evidence to the attention of Senor Enrique Gerardo Castro upon his return to his fuel dock. There was no apology. He got angry and did not want to discuss our findings. Our impression was that our findings were not news to him. We asked whether or not his counter would be recalibrated. He responded that he was tired of talking about it. Later we saw a large motor yacht refuelled. The counter had not been recalibrated.

A few days earlier friends of ours had made two trips to the fuel dock with fuel jugs. In all cases, their fuel jugs had been underfilled and the fuel charged for was in keeping with the capacity of the jugs. Our friends felt that this was definitely done in an attempt to deceive them.

The four hex bolts fastening the cover of the counter are special. They are drilled through the flats. After calibration, a wire would have been run through that hole and a seal affixed. The wire and the seal were missing and judging from the dirt have been missing for a long time.

Having made our case we were charged for the amount of fuel that we calculated had been delivered. This was done grudgingly while displaying an extremely bad attitude. The diesel price quoted to us was in dollars per gallon. Preparing our gallon bill with their factor would have us being charged for more fuel than we actually received.

We are not the only ones that have recognized problems with this fuel dock. Two cruising guides that we have seen contain warnings about doing business there. A competitor to this fuel dock has established itself in Bahia Tortuga. This competitor has taken away a good share of the business. Satisfied customers do not seek out competitors and make them successful.

If you wish to try Servicio “El Gordo, Jr” we would suggest that you first give it the jug test. You will then know how much fuel you will be buying when they say 20 litres. Then again you could try the competition. Forewarned is forearmed!

Kris & Sandra Hartford

SV Nomotos



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