Vanuatu: Report on a Visit by MV Pendana

Pendana is a 68-foot motor yacht, designed for ocean travel.

Published 9 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Hello fellow cruisers, I have been reading all the information on this site for years so time to share.  We have recently arrived and departed from Port Vila in Vanuatu with three cats, one dog, two children and my wife and I aboard the good ship Pendana ( [Broken Link]).

Entering Port Vila and clearing customs could not have been easier.  So what’s required?

1/ At least 24 hours prior to arrival you MUST provide notice of arrival with all the usual information either by phone or email:

(a) the name of the vessel; and

(b) the voyage; and

(c) the estimated date and time of arrival in Vanuatu; and

(d) the appointed port or other places where the craft will land or berth; and

(e) the name of the master or skipper of the vessel; and

(f) the name and contact details of the person providing the information.

(g) the names of passengers on board.

More details on the Govt website here:

2./ On entry into port simply call Customs, Immigration and Quarantine on CH16 and they will come to your vessel.   Don’t expect a visit on the weekends though as we arrived on Saturday and had to wait until Monday to be cleared.

3./ The paperwork is simple and most can be filled in online prior to arrival

4./ Departure stamps and papers have to be done in the immigration office in town which is a simple 15-minute walk from the Waterfront Restaurant where one can tie their dingy too.  This can be done 48hrs prior to your intended departure which makes things a little easier.

Bottom line is the process is simple and, so long as you can put up with having to fill in the exact same information on the arrival and departure forms (which I struggle with) you won’t have any issues.

If travelling with animals worth contacting Roger Phillips via email to give him the heads up.  His contact details are below.  So long as your rabies certificates are in order their won’t be an issue and for a small fee, your animals can go ashore.

Roger Phillips BVSc.

Senior Veterinary Officer (South)

Department of Livestock & Quarantine

Port Vila, VANUATU

Tel: +678 23519, +678 7751353

Fax: +678 23185

If you want to Rolls Royce treatment then you can use Kaleva Yacht Service (clearing agents) who have a great reputation and who will do whatever is required to make sure your stay is hassle-free and an enjoyable one.  Kaleva Yacht Service – Vanuatu contact details below.

Jess Bell

Managing Director

Kaleva Yacht Service – Vanuatu

+ 678 555 2972

Office: + 678 776 1026

Anchoring in the harbour is straightforward but be warned, don’t get too close into the Q buoy as there are a number of bommies very close.

If you need a friendly taxi driver for an hour or a whole day we had a great driver and his name was Jay contact phone number is +678 5624 580. Nice guy and reasonable rates.

Overall Vanuatu gets an 8.5/10 for ease of entry and departure.

Safe travels

James [Broken Link]

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