USA: Change to MARPOL Garbage Regulations

In January, MARPOL changed regulations concerning discharge of garbage and other substances. As of November 5, 2013, the USCG states that it will not enforce new MARPOL placarding until it is readily available.

Published 11 years ago, updated 6 years ago

As reported on Yahoo group Cruisers Network Online.

For more information refer to USCG Safety Information Bulletin #39-13 [BROKENLINK] or MARPOL Annex V.

The biggest change is:

The discharge of garbage into the sea is prohibited except under certain circumstances when a ship is en route, as follows:

Outside special areas

Food waste may be discharged more than 3 nautical miles (nm) from land if passed through a comminuter or grinder. Such waste is to be capable of passing through a screen no greater than 25 mm or may be discharged more than 12 nm from land if not passed through a comminuter or grinder.

Cargo residues that do not contain substances classified as harmful to the marine environment may be discharged more than 12 nm from land.

Cleaning agents in the cargo hold, deck and external surfaces’ wash water may be discharged to sea provided they are not harmful to the marine environment.

Animal carcasses may be discharged as far from land as possible in accordance with IMO guidelines.

Inside special areas

Food wastes may be discharged as far as practicable from land but not less than 12 nm from land or the nearest ice shelf.

Cargo residues may be discharged provided that: cleaning agents in the cargo hold, deck and external surface wash water are not harmful to the marine environment.

Both the port of departure and the next port of destination are within the special area and the ship will not transit outside the special area between those ports.

No adequate reception facilities are available at those ports.

Discharge of cargo hold washing water containing residues is made as far as practicable from the nearest land or ice shelf and not less than 12 nautical miles from the nearest land or the nearest ice shelf.

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