Trinidad & Tobago, Chaguaramas: Thieves Target Dinghies

Dinghies and outboard motors were targetted by thieves in two separate raids on boats in the Chaguaramas anchorage of Trinidad according to CSSN security reports.

Published 1 year ago

Source:  CSSN

DATE:  2023-07-19 02:00

LOCATION:  Trinidad & Tobago – Trinidad – Chaguaramas Anchorage

EVENT:  Theft


STOLEN ITEMS:  Yamaha Enduro 25hp 2-stroke outboard – SN 61RK1082061

SECURED: Not Locked

DETAILS:  While the owner of a catamaran slept on board, thieves stole the 25HP -2S Yamaha outboard from the dinghy which was hoisted behind the catamaran. The engine was not locked to the dinghy transom, or the yacht.

A report was made to the Coast Guard, police, marina and on the VHF net.


Source:  CSSN

DATE:  2023-07-15 02:00

LOCATION:  Trinidad & Tobago – Trinidad – Chaguaramas Anchorage

EVENT:  Theft


STOLEN ITEMS:  Airmar 2.4M dinghy and a Yamaha 15 HP outboard, serial number S 11406523

SECURED: Not Locked

DETAILS:   UPDATED REPORT:  Overnight an unlocked and in-the-water Airmar 2.4M dinghy with a Yamaha 15 HP outboard serial number S 11406523 was stolen from a yacht moored in Chaguaramas while the owner slept onboard.

Reports were made to the Coast Guard, police and on the VHF net.


Note:  It doesn’t matter where you are in the Caribbean, make sure you lock your dinghy and outboard at all times and lift both overnight, removing the engine and securing it to the yacht. Dinghy and outboard theft is rife in many places in the Caribbean so always take extra precautions, even in what may be considered as ‘safe’ anchorages.


CSSN NOTE:  If you are a victim, please take five minutes to complete the CSSN online incident report, it’s quick, confidential and keeps our cruising community fully and factually informed.

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