Thailand: How to Apply for the Special Tourist Visa

In Thailand cruisers can now apply for the Special Tourist Visa which will give a total stay of 270 days. The rules are complex, paperwork daunting and it is expensive – but doable. Anthony Swanston, currently in quarantine, sent this report describing the visa application process.

Published 4 years ago

I am writing to describe my experience of applying for, and receiving, my Thai Special Tourist Visa (STV). I am writing as somebody coming from Malaysia, but apart from your port clearance documents it will all be the same. This is for arrival in Phuket, the story in Pattaya may be somewhat different.

You must use an official agent and there are three:

  1. Asia Pacific Superyachts –
  2. Porntip Logistics –
  3. Asia Yacht Agency –

Pre- arrival:

  • When you choose an agent you get a quotation.
  • Then you get the paperwork. There is a lot of it and many other questions to be answered by email thereafter. You just have to be patient and work through it.
  • Photographs will be needed of the boat and all crew among other things.
  • Some of the requirements are confusing. For example you have to have confirmation of a marina berth booking for the day you are released from quarantine. An email from my marina was not adequate, I needed a receipt that the berth was paid for. I had to get a friend to pay it and the receipt was issued.
  • One of the pieces of paper was a 14 day temperature check – this is not for your 14 days in quarantine but for the 14 days before you enter Thai waters. And so on. Be patient, be meticulous.
  • The length of quarantine can also catch you out. The day you arrive does not count. Next day you get your covid test. This is not day 1, but day Zero. The next day is day 1, so from arrival to release is 16 days. And no, days at sea on passage do not count!

The procedure on arrival: 

  • As soon as I dropped my anchor I telephoned my agent to say I was here. She already knew as Port Control had monitored my progress and informed her of my arrival. Please note, these people are on the ball.
  • Next morning, bang on schedule, the covid test team arrived. A big three-engine speed boat with eight people on board. Two of them were naval officers photographing me and my boat to compare with the photographs previously submitted. The stories of Phuket speedboat drivers are legion. This one was a complete professional, the boat well fendered, the line handlers experienced – he never touched me.
  • Doctor and nurse came aboard from the Siriroj Hospital in Phuket dressed in full PPE. I was examined, temperature, BP, chest sounded, throat and nasal test done quickly and efficiently. Lovely charming people; they could not have been better. I had had some minor treatment at this hospital in the past. The doctor had picked this up and knew my medical background. Please note, these people are on the ball.
  • Your agent may be able to arrange provisioning, but it is bound to be very expensive. The delivery alone will be a lot of money.


The small vessel anchorage at 08 04.40 N 098 27.10E behind Ko Nakha Noi is fine, but the winds blow from due north right through to due south and in one squall peaked at 37 knots. Additionally the strong current changes every six hours and so you need lots of swinging room – not a problem as there is lots of room. But you need it.

Once you are in the anchorage there are some very strict rules:
1. Don’t move your boat;
2. Your tracker (issued by the doctor) must be worn at all times except between 1400 and 1600 when you will charge it;
3. Keep you AIS on 24/7;
4. Do not put a dinghy in the water;
5. Do not allow anybody to come aboard;

Subsequent protocols:

The day after my first negative test I got a 90 day stamp in my passport, handled by my agent who had Power of Attorney amongst all of the other previous paperwork.


  • Costs vary. Some are boat related, some per person.
  • Some agents are cheaper than others and some hospitals are cheaper (I had a choice of hospitals where my medics came from, one cheaper than the other). 
  • The cost of the Covid 19 insurance is age related. You may save a bit by buying your covid insurance on line.
  • As someone in his late 60’s going for a private hospital and letting the agent do my insurance I paid BHT 72,810 (approx. US$2,400).
  • The renewal is easy, you can do it yourself without an agent, extension cost is BHT 2,000, about US$65.


You must remember that the purpose of the STV is to bring better off tourists into Thailand for long stays to give some boost to the decimated tourist industry. So if you want to save money by cruising on a budget this is not the deal for you.

Good luck.

Anthony Swanston
SV Wild Fox

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  1. January 19, 2021 at 8:18 AM
    aeneas says:

    Thank you Anthony – much needed information. BTW, how it all ended up? Did you get your STV without additional complications?

  2. December 26, 2020 at 3:21 AM
    odayhappyours1986 says:

    Every thing said here by Wild Fox is absolutely correct. The anchorage is 1/2 a mile off the small island of Ko Na Kah Noi. There is little protection in the zone we have to use. When the wind picks up and has a lot of north in it, is is pretty rough. Swells were close to a metre and frequent.