Taxes Levied by Marinas in Tenerife and La Gomera – Updated

Published 12 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Updates 2013

Message Received 2013-01-31

We were in Marina Atlantico recently and as we are paying this tax here in San Sebastian (La Gomera), and carry a certificate of payment, we were not charged the tax again. The situation for visitors generally is as thought back when we last had contact (see comms. below):

For a yacht, under 12 m LOA, the tax is minimal (this tax was discounted back in 2011 to less than half the original intended fee). However, for a sail over 12 m, it is very high. The tax charged here in San Sebastian is calculated such:

–          Under 12 m – Length x beam x  € 0.13 x number of days x  € 0.10

–          Over 12 m – Length x beam x € 0.13 x number of days x € 0.39

They are also charging  € 0.87/person/day.

Jim Grey

Principal – Canary Sail

Message Received 2013-01-15

Marina Atlantico Santa Cruz. Tenerife: The marina is increasing its berths and the City is to hand (except for ongoing civil works) charming and good value. The marina office is trying it on though, with a harbor lights tax over 100% of the berthing dues. This British yachtsman refused to pay-and warned them it would affect the trade of their new pontoon investments. Other than a caution from the police, no sanction seems imminent but you should warn another unwary yachtsman that cash flow rather than commerce is the norm here.

John Wilson

SY Artemis

Earlier Reports

Message Received 2010-10-01

Just an update for any of you considering spending time here in the Canaries. Only the state-owned ports and marinas are charging the tax (light tax and sport and recreation tax). Although the tax is being backdated, this seems to be negotiable directly with the marinas in question. Privately owned marinas are not affected. However, due to massive resistance to this tax, the law is changing from 1/1/2011. It seems that boats up to a certain LOA (I think 12meters) will no longer be charged the sport and recreation tax. I will be able to confirm details soon.

Jim Grey


Canary Sail

Message Received 2010-08-28

This tax is now being levied by Marina San Sebastian, La Gomera – a popular marina. Many yacht owners are leaving the marina as they face very large bills. The tax is being collected retrospectively back to 2006 with the threat of yachts being impounded if they do not pay. One owner has been charged 8000 euros with interest due if payments were not made immediately-

(Editor´s Note: This is a government tax decreed by Madrid and we believe forced onto the marina. Undoubtedly other marinas in the Canaries will be following suit.)

Original Report Posted 2009-10-21

Noonsite has received reports from skippers about two additional taxes they have been charged for in Marina Atlantico, Tenerife. Details are below.

It appears that in 2003 the law changed and these taxes now only apply to Spanish publicly owned marinas. The implication is that the public marinas “should” charge the fees, but do not have to.

We would be very interested to hear from skippers who have had to pay these taxes elsewhere in Spain. Contact

The two taxes are:

– Tasa de Señalización Maritima – we translate this as Light Dues

– Tasa de Embarcatión de Recreo – we translate this as Yacht Transit Tax

Tasa de Señalización Maritima

Charged as length x beam x 4.2448 Euro

It is an annual charge, which Marina Atlantico are applying to visitors at this rate:

1-10 days = 20% of the fee

11-20 days = 40% of the fee

21-30 days = 60% of the fee

31+ days = 100% of the fee

The tax is transferable to other ports but only to be counted as CONSECUTIVE days.

Tasa de Embarcatión de Recreo

Charged at: length x beam x 0.0624 Euro per day

The taxes do not vary according to the nationality of the boat.

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