South African Radio Nets – Updated

Published 11 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Cape Town Radio (SSB) on 4375 8740 13146Mhz USB at 1015 1330 1815 UTC daily for forecasts and reports. Gives you barometer pressure and wind speed around the entire SA coastline.

Peri Peri Net

This net is now back in operation, having been suspended temporarily in May 2013.

Good source of weather, both for South African local waters and offshore. On a good day, the Net can cover most of the Indian Ocean and Atlantic too as well as all of the SA coastlines. Net operates on 8101khz every day at 1500UTC and switches to 12353khz to track the more distant vessels after the initial traffic is finished. There is also an informal net on 8101khz every morning at 0500UTC depending on who is available.

The net controller is resident in Durban SA, Roy, call sign Peri Peri and is assisted by the following relay stations:

Paul in Johannesburg, call sign Northern Star,

Norman in Bazzaruto Mozambique, call sign Regal.

Update May 2015: The Madagascar relay station for the Peri-Peri net has now closed. Although no longer resident in Madagascar, Ex-Net Controllers Des and Nell Cason of SY Gambit are happy to offer advice to cruisers visiting the country. They have sailed this area extensively and welcome the opportunity to stay involved in the well being of fellow sailors. Contact them by E-mail at

South African Maritime Net (SAMM net)

The SAMM net broadcasts twice a day as follows:

1. High seas net controller is ZS1SAM (Sam) at 06:30 Z on 14.316 MHz upper sidebands for about 5 minutes.

2. He then joins the coastal waters net on 7.120 MHz at 06:35 Z. The controller here is ZS2ABK (Graham).

See website for further details.

Non-hams may use SAMM net if e-mail is available, they will update weather when cruiser emails position reports to them.

Campbell’s Net

There is also Campbell’s net for ham operators at 1330 Z on 14316 KHz also 7045 or 7053.

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  1. March 30, 2020 at 11:08 AM
    meghan says:

    Peri Peri radio net seems to be temporarily suspended. Can anyone put me in contact with Roy or Paul please?

  2. August 15, 2018 at 5:46 AM
    Data Entry says:

    Hi All,

    If you have an Amateur Radio license, and have the free RMS Express software for Winlink 2000 email over HF radio, then please update your Channel List.

    You can download, unzip and install all files for RMS Express here for free or give a donation:

    Now see who runs the first WINMOR (sound card TNC) – enabled RMS’s (Radio Message Servers) in Africa – on your updated Channel List in RMS Express.
    These stations, will show up at the top of your list as your best connection options to the Winlink 2000 HF radio email system.
    These RMS’s also run Pactor 1 and 2 and 3. (Update your Airmail list).

    Please connect to and test these RMS’s often.

    Send and receive email and request weather forecasts, GRIB files, etc.

    An excellent WINMOR and RMS Express tutorial can be found here:
