South Africa: Checking Out Internationally from Cape Town

Long-distance cruiser Anna Eriksson reports on the checking out process from Cape Town when leaving for foreign shores.

Published 9 months ago

1. Waterfront Marina
Pay marina fees at the Marina office (open Mon-Fri 08:00-16:30). Keep proof of payment.
Receive “Berth Occupancy Clearance Certificate” from the Marina (stating that all fees have been paid).
Same procedure if you are berthed at the Royal Cape Yacht Club.

2. Royal Cape Yacht Club
All yachts must visit the RCYC to undertake clearance procedures.
Take an Uber to Duncan Road, Tabel Bay. Open 08:00-17:00 weekdays, 10:00-14:00 Saturday.
Reception contact number: +27 (0) 21 421 1354.
Fill in the paper flight plan and show passports and “Berth Occupancy Clearance Certificate”.
They will give you a “Letter of Good Standing”.

Take all paperwork to:

3. Immigration Office (Department of Home Affairs)
Take an Uber to Old Duncan Road, 13. It’s the yellow house:

Opposite Cape Town Cruise Terminal:

Open 24 hours.
Contact number: +27 21 421 1007 / +27 21 421 1008.
All crew need to be present.
Show the papers from RCYC and fill in new ones.
They will look at your passports, take your fingerprints and a portrait.
You will receive a Certificate of Compliance to Obtain Clearance from Customs (DHA-92, Form 42).

Scan or take a photo of all your papers and e-mail them to:

4. Customs

Use the 2nd e-mail:
Customs has one of their offices in the same building as Immigration, just to the left of the entrance (Immigration is to the right). However, Customs prefer to communicate only through e-mail.
Opening hours were said to be 06:00-18:00. Phone: +27 21 440 0713.
Customs will e-mail you two new documents [DA1 and DA3] to fill in and then e-mail back, to be stamped.
You need to print them out to be able to fill them in, plus scan them back in to e-mail back to Customs.
Allow time for this mailing process – for us it took overnight.

After you have got all your stamps and papers you have 24 hours to leave the country.

When leaving:
Call Cape Town Port Control, VHF Channel 14 – asking for permission to leave.
Swing bridge, VHF-chanel 71

VAT Refund:

Anna Eriksson
S/Y Vista
Cape Town 16 January 2024

Other Noonsite Reports by Anna Eriksson:


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