Shipping Spares to Brazil

Published 14 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Posted December 2009

See further comment below

We recently had some engine parts shipped to Brazil with UPS from the UK. The parts were clearly marked “yacht in transit”.

We were horrified that UPS sent us a bill for about 120% of the total value (incl. their fees) & gave us 28 days to pay. As this all looked very official & had our passport numbers on, we felt intimidated & so paid up.

When we queried this with customs in Salvador, they told us that they do recognize “yacht in transit”, so we don’t know what is going on here?

UPS are saying one thing & customs another. We now have a problem to be reimbursed this money.

All I can say is don’t use UPS here.

Andy Walton

Yacht “Now”

Update Message:

We can now confirm we had some spares sent ordinary air mail – no duty to pay so (we suggest you) use no couriers. It really takes no longer & is tax-free.

Subject: Import fees in Brazil

Date: 25 June 2010


The reason that the December 2009 yacht was charged import duty on the engine parts is quite simple. The system here recognizes “Yacht in Transit” but when you send goods by UPS, Fedex etc. the Brazilians see the consignee as being the Brazil office of UPS, Fedex and not the end customer. The Brazil office is not a “Yacht in Transit” and so they charge the duty. The writer is perfectly correct that the duty is paid not just on the value of the engine parts, but also the cost of carriage.

It is a mad system but then this is Brazil…

Anthony Swanston

SV Wild Fox

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