Saint Vincent & The Grenadines, Canouan: Intruders Have a Midnight Feast

Cruisers anchored in Charleston Bay, Canouan in St. Vincent and The Grenadines found evidence of intruders having a midnight feast on their boat when they awoke the next morning.

Published 1 year ago

Source:  CSSN

DATE:  2023-07-08 23:45

LOCATION:   Saint Vincent and the Grenadines – Canouan – Charlestown Bay (Tamarind Hotel)

EVENT:  Theft


STOLEN ITEMS:  Food and a headlamp

SECURED:  Not Locked


Cruisers locked their main entrances and most hatches and went to bed. The next morning they awoke to find their refrigerator and freezer unlatched, with food crumbs/remains/containers scattered around and in the trash.

At least one drawer had been rifled, and a headlamp had been stolen but computers, tablets, and cameras in open sight were not taken. An unlocked overhead hatch appeared to be the point of access.

CSSN NOTE: If you are a victim, please take five minutes to complete the CSSN online incident report, it’s quick, confidential and keeps our cruising community fully and factually informed.

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