Saint Lucia, Soufriere: Another Armed Assault on Moored Yacht

A group of hooded assailants armed with machetes and knives has boarded a yacht which was moored at Soufriere in Saint Lucia and robbed the cruising couple of a number of personal items.

Published 2 years ago


DATE:  2022-10-06 03:00

LOCATION:   Saint Lucia – Soufriere

EVENT:  Assault

HAND:  1

STOLEN ITEMS: Phone, tablet, computer and clothing.

SECURED: Not locked

DETAILS:   A cruising couple on their yacht on an SMMA mooring were awoken and boarded at 0030HRS by four masked/hooded men with knives and machetes.

The thieves stole electronics (phone,tablet,computer) and personal items (clothing). The crew was not injured. A police report was made, no forensics were taken.

CSSN NOTE: approximately one month ago a similar incident was reported at this location, see this Noonsite report.

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