Reunion Island, Le Port: Night boarding and theft – January 2017

SV Inspiration Lady was boarded at night and unsecured items were stolen from deck in a gated marina; Gary and Jackie urge caution for following cruisers.

Published 8 years ago, updated 5 years ago

We want to pass on information about a security incident while berthed in the new marina at Le Port, Reunion Island.

On January 12, 2017, during the night, our yacht was boarded while we were on board. Two folding bicycles were taken. The bicycles were stored on deck, but unfortunately not locked to the boat.

The marina has key gated access to the pontoons and 24-hour security surveillance. Our complacency in assuming we were secure in our berth was an obvious error in judgment on our part.

Cruising sailors should take care when visiting this area of Reunion Island.

Gary & Jackie King
SV Inspiration Lady
Canadian yacht in transit

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