Reply to Poor Service from Quantum Sails

Published 14 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Posted 2008-10-15

Some time back I purchased a Main Sail from Quantum Sails, Cape Town. Unfortunately, its life expectancy was very poor for the material used was no good. As I got no reaction from Quantum, I wrote a testimonial with the hope of keeping others from making the same mistake.

Please see details here [Broken Link]

Alan Hoeneisen

Posted 2010-01-06


A friend of mine Gilbert Goor had the same bad experience from the same sail manufacturer. His sail did not even last 2 years. He did go and see them personally and they promised him a 50% discount on the next sail he buys from them. (If he ever will buy another sail from them).

Johan Botha

Posted 10th January 2011

Response from Craig Middleton (email ) of Quantum Sails, Cape Town, South Africa

I refer to the publication by “Alan Hoeneisen” on the above subject posted 2008-10-15 and would like to comment as follows:

(1) Quantum Sails South Africa imports sail fabrics (in this instance dacron)from either the United States or Europe. We do not utilize any fabrics from the East. The sail luff slides are also imported from the U.S.A.

(2) As clearly stated by Mr Hoeneisen, the workmanship and shape of the sail was “excellent”, hence pointing to the fabric as the problem.

(3) In past instances of this nature, if the Dacron is proven to be defective, we send the defective samples back to the fabric supplier concerned and accordingly replace the sail at no cost to the customer whatsoever.

(4) Quantum Sails Cape Town is unable to trace any of the “numerous” emails sent by Mr Hoeneisen in this connection. Perhaps he could copy me on these emails and I can take the necessary action to rectify the problem?

Similarly, his friend “Gilbert Goor” should make contact with us if he experiences similar problems.

Thanks and cheers

Craig Middleton

Quantum Sails Cape Town South Africa



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