Puerto Rico: Covid19 Field Report

Sam and Adrian Wood of SY Neva arrived in Puerto Rico in late February, just as the COVID-19 health emergency and associated port closures started to build.They decided to stay put in Puerto Real with approximately 20 other transient yachts.

Published 4 years ago

 For the past 8 years we have been running charter catamarans and private yachts in the Med and Caribbean. We took a few months off last year to cruise the Eastern Seaboard of the USA, leaving for the Caribbean to return to work just after the new year.

We arrived in Puerto Rico in late February, where we were offered a yacht delivery to Florida, which we accepted. Almost immediately the problems started, with predictions and wild rumours about port closures and restrictions. We have yet to complete that delivery and really do not know when this will happen, but we will get it completed somehow!

We were also offered temporary positions on a yacht bound for the UK, but the owner was rightly concerned about COVID19 and could not wait for us to become available.

For the moment we have decided not to risk leaving Puerto Rico, as port closures and restrictions in the Caribbean are happening so rapidly.

There is little change in the restrictions here, still social distancing, curfew from 2100 to 0500 and only food and pharmacy retailers open. The police are very firmly enforcing the restrictions.

We have about 15 transients here in Puerto Real, half in the bay, half in the marina. We have 4 transients in the marina with young families who all played together until the marina enforced the social distancing requirement. It has proved quite difficult for the parents but all have found different solutions. Our neighbours have 3 boys under 6 years of age and the photo shows one solution!

There is confusion over the definition of “transient”. CBP do not seem to be clear on whether transients are permitted to cruise between ports and anchorages on the island. The police interpretation seems to be no movement of ANY pleasure vessels is permitted.

We are increasingly concerned for the safety of yachts who leave for a destination and the find that port, or country, is closed and they cannot return to where they left because restrictions have been put in place there. Current CBP advice for USA and Puerto Rico is to ensure that you call ahead to your intended destination before starting a passage. Never before has it been so vital to research the present situation before leaving on a passage, however short, especially if you do not have efficient internet or e mail facilities when off shore.

Please keep Noonsite informed of changes and closures, but also please try to verify anything you forward before doing so.

Sam & Adrian Wood
s/y Neva, Puerto Rico


Please share your current experience with COVID-19 restrictions and how it has affected your cruising plans. Contact Sue at editor@noonsite.com with your field report.


The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of Noonsite.com or World Cruising Club.

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