Procedure to Request an Extension of Visa in Brazil

Published 15 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Information supplied by Graham & Joan Todd of SY Karma

To do at Salvador International Airport

1. Before going to the airport make sure to take your passport and all the boat documents delivered by the Brazilian authorities at your entrance in the country.

2. From CENAB marina go to the Elevador Lacerda. Exiting the Elevador on the square up the hill, take to the right in Chile street (in the direction of Campo Grande) and walk 100 m to the bus station (little square on the left of Chile street).

3. Take a bus to the “Aeroporto” (R$2.20 or R$2.40 depending on the class of bus) : duration of the trip is 1h.

4. For those leaving from Pier Salvador marina in Ribeira you can take a bus direct to the airport from the bus stop right at the marina door. Take a bus with destination “ITINGA” (R$2.20 or R$2.40 depending on the type of bus): duration of trip is 1h. There is a bus departing every hour.

5. You’ll arrive at the airport bus terminal located at one end of the airport covered car park. Then you have to walk around the car park to the terminal main entrance.

6. Inside the building, just in front of the main entrance, there is a row of shops/offices on the right side, with 2 Policia Federal offices. The biggest one is the VIP room. You have to go to the smaller one about 20 m to the left of the VIP room.

7. This office only opens at 10.00 a.m.

8. Rush to the counter as soon as the office opens, and take a queuing ticket from the dispenser located on the left of the counter.

9. When your number comes up, go to the counter and make a request for extension of visa (PEDIDO DE PRORROGACAO DE PRAZO DE ESTADA).

10. The officer will give you a form to fill in, “REQUERIMENTO DE PRORROGACAO DE PRAZO” (this form is printed in both Portuguese and English) and also a little piece of paper with a website of the Brazilian government.

11. You’ll have to fill the form in (IN UPPER CASE CHARACTERS) and sign only the top half of the form. Later you must sign the bottom part (USO OFICIAL/OFFICIAL USE) in front of the officer when you’ll come back with all the other documents to provide.

12. On this form the data “Cartão de entrada/saida (sequential)” is the number of the “Arrival/Departure Card” that the Immigration Officer stapled to your passport when you arrived in Brazil.

13. For “Personal reference in Brazil-Name/Address” just write “BARCO” followed by the name of your boat and its current location e.g. BARCO JOMANDY, ITAPARICA.

14. Then you have to fill and print another form from the Internet, go to the LOTERIAS shop to pay and get a receipt for the visa extension tax of R$67, and finally bring back all the documents to the Policia Federal officer who will stamp your passport with the visa extension.

15. To achieve all that, you shall first go to the 1st floor with the escalator opposite the Policia Federal office, then go to the Internet stand located in the middle of the hall (R$5 for 10 minutes and R$1,50/page for the printer). Beware that the whole procedure of getting the form on the screen, and then filling and printing it might take more than 10 minutes!

16. Go to the website that is indicated on the little paper given by the Policia Federal.

17. On the main menu scroll down to GRU -Guia de Recolhimento da União.

18. Click on “GRU – Funapol para pessoas e entidades estrangeiras”.

19. On the next display (see attachment hereafter) you shall fill the fields in the part named “Dados do Recolhimento”.

20. “Endereço” is your home address. “Bairro” is your town district or area (if you don’t have any then just invent one because it is compulsory to fill this field).

21. “Nome da Mäe” is your mother’s name, “Nome do Pai” is your father’s name.

22. Scroll to the field “Unidad Arrecadadora”, and select “BA (007-8) SUPERINTENDENCIA REGIONAL NO ESTADO DE BAHIA”.

23. For the field “Codigo da receita STN”, click on the magnifier icon and select the code 140090, which will automatically display the visa extension tax of R$67.

24. Then click on “Gerar guia” in order to print the form. Make sure that the bar code at the bottom of the form is properly printed. This Internet procedure can be performed prior to going to the airport (e.g. one or two days before), on your boat, if you have WIFI and a printer, or in an Internet cafe.

25. With the printed form in hand go back to the ground floor to pay the visa extension tax of R$67 at the LOTERIAS shop located about 30 m to the left of the escalator, opposite the main entrance.

• One can also pay this tax at one of the banks located on the first floor of the terminal.

• If you have printed this form prior to going to the airport, you can also pay the tax at any bank in town.

26. The bar code on the form will be scanned, you pay R$67, and get back one half of the form plus a receipt.

27. Go back to the Policia Federal office, and walk directly to the counter without queuing, to hand over all the documents and your passport to the officer. The latter will ask you to sign, in front of him, at the bottom of the 1st form that you filled in step 11 above.

28. If everything is in order you’ll be requested to sit and wait for the officer to process your request and hopefully stamp the visa extension in your passport!

29. To go back downtown, just walk back to the bus terminal and take a bus to Pelourinho and from there downtown. You cannot take the same bus that you arrived on, you can use the airport bus but this is more expensive.

Good luck………………

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