Port Dickson, Admiral Marina: Updates from Cruisers

Published 12 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Quick update on Admiral Marina, Port Dickson and clearance into Malaysia

Posted 22 Jan 2013

We arrived at Admiral Marina in early January and were welcomed by very friendly and professional staff, Sara and Marina manager Prakash. Unfortunately, the marina no longer has immigration and customs offices as it is now a requirement for all visitors to Malaysia to be fingerprinted. However, they organised a taxi for us to Port Dickson to clear in through immigration, the harbour master and customs. The process was seamless, quick and did not attract any charges or fees. The Marina is hoping to offer a service in the future to escort yachties to the official offices in Port Dickson. The marina is a great place to stop while sailing the Malacca Straits and a convenient base to tour the wonderful city of Melaka. For the racers out there the marina will also host a yacht race from Singapore to Port Dickson at Easter this year. Also, the Maxus store in Port Dickson was a great outlet for a pre-paid mobile sim and internet sim – excellent service.

Alison Innes

SY Rex 1 – Australia (currently in Langkawi)

Admiral Marina Under New Management

Posted 25 Jan 2011

As of November 2010, the management of the Admiral marina has undergone a major change and the effects are already noticeable. Ms Veronica has left the company.

The majority of the pontoons have now been upgraded and the breakwater is also being repaired. The office administration is now brightened by the addition of Ms Norita and the new manager, Mr Mohamad Rhuad bin Abdul Rahim, is almost always on hand to offer a welcome and deal with any problems. Security has been increased and the pontoons are regularly patrolled. The manager’s state aim is for the marina to be the boaters’ preferred and welcoming stop in the Malacca Straits.

Posted 9 Oct 2010

The marina at Admiral Marina & Leisure Club is now undergoing extensive maintenance work which started in late August 2010 and will be completed by mid-November or early December 2010.

Mohamad Rhuad Abdul Rahim

Posted 14 July 2010

We are currently berthed at Admiral Marina. While it may be true that the marina itself needs some major work, there is still plenty of space for yachts, and the docks are safe. Veronica in the office and her staff will do everything in her power to accommodate the yachties. It’s true that the bathrooms need work, and the shower water is cool, but she is working on that as well.

Currently at the dock: Internet is free, and water and power are readily available (with plug connections at the office at no charge if needed). The downstairs bar has a nightly band and good food, & the hotel restaurant has a nice, cheap buffet as well. There is day & night security. And you can use the gigantic, clean pool – with free towels! A real luxury when it gets too hot. It’s a great place to chill out. Repairs on the docks are due to begin this September.

Port Dickson is down the road by taxi. We’ve just returned from Malacca and it was an easy inexpensive bus ride to get there.

For long term berth rates, give Veronica a call.

Michael and Linda

S/Y B’Sheret

Posted 13 July 2010

Recently there have been three boat break-ins here. This is what I know from conversations with the people involved. Other things may have been stolen but the main items are recorded here. A Canadian boat was broken into while the owners were away. It was locked. Substantial damage was done to the companionway by the forced entry. Power tools were taken.

A game fishing boat owned by an Australian living in Jakarta had power tools taken. The boat was being looked after by marina staff who had a key. There was no suggestion of forced entry. The owner, a lawyer, pursued the case with the marina and was compensated for the losses.

While I was absent in Australia, my own boat was entered when the front hatch was forced. The motor was started (my fault for leaving the key). The offender left the boat when he was unable to stop the motor. The motor was left to idle for several hours without seawater cooling and luckily sustained only minor damage. Nothing of note was taken.

All this was despite the presence of security guards. As well a police patrol boat is moored in the marina near these boats.

My boat was entered in the early morning. It has been observed that at this time many of the security guards tend to be asleep.

Marina management is aware of the problem and installed additional lighting in the hardstand area. Also, they keep what boats they can in an area that allows cockpits to face towards the patrolled area of the main building. Itinerant workers are also required to sign in and out of the marina. However, the level of security would not be an issue for a determined thief.

I would endorse all the points raised in the previous posting about Admiral Marina.

Vic Martin

SV NovaVida

Posted 6 July 2010

The lack of maintenance at the marina is really starting to show. 6 piles broke during a strong wind, pushed over by a large yacht, there is no further space available for large boats now.

Several berths are unusable due to heavy lifting or failed pile attachments, and at those in operation, several have no electrical connections due to failed sockets etc. Even at usable berths, securing bolts etc and wood supports have broken.

The Marina management ( Avillion ) has apparently been asking companies to look at the problem.

At the same time we have noticed a degradation other services; showers with no hot water and in a bad state; intermittent internet; sailors’ bar/restaurant opening later and later.

Our thanks to Paul Rice for this report.

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