Papua New Guinea, Bougainville Island, Torokina: Armed Robbery and Piracy – October 2019

This incident has only just been reported to Noonsite by the victim. On route from the Shortland Islands to Kavieng Scott Skinner had to stop at Torokina, on the west coast of Bougainville Island, for repairs. The following night the boat was boarded by armed men and the skipper subjected to being continually threatened, his yacht being ransacked and then at gunpoint having to up-anchor and head out to see with the armed men still on board. Just over 2 weeks later he arrived at a safe haven in Kavieng.

Published 5 years ago

First person report from Scott Skinner:

On the night of 4th October, 2019, while departing the Shortland Islands, I had to stop at Torokina for minor repairs on the boat. The following day (5th October, 2019), at approximately 11pm at night, a boat with 6 people came alongside and asked me for fuel.

After a brief conversation they forced their way on board. They had bush knives and at least one firearm. With me held at gunpoint, they proceeded to ransack the boat taking all portable electronics and numerous other things.

I was consistently threatened during the whole period on board. 

Then after about an hour period they forced me to start the motor and pull my anchor up by hand. They then commanded the boat with me held at gunpoint and proceeded to head out to sea.

After approximately half an hour they all left the boat and continued to threaten me.

I then immediately headed for Kavieng as they did not want me to go to Rabaul or Buka. I had limited fuel and food left on the boat by then and my only means of communication was a marine radio.

On the 11th October I radioed a passing landing craft headed for Kavieng and they assisted me and provided some food. They managed to contact Shaun Keane of Nusa Island Retreat in Kavieng to let him know of my unfortunate situation.

I continued to Kavieng and checked in on Tuesday 21st October, 2019.

Scott Skinner


The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of or World Cruising Club.

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