Panama: Sailing Restrictions in Canal Waters

Published 12 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Sailing is restricted in Canal Waters without a Pilot or Advisor north of the Bridge of the Americas, Balboa (Pacific Side) and south of buoys 3 and 6 Limon Bay, Cristobal (Caribbean Side). Yachts are

allowed to sail in transit at the anchorages and Canal entrances at Balboa and Cristobal without a Pilot or Advisor but must report their movements to the Signals Stations covering (Flamenco Signal Station Balboa and Cristobal Signal Station). The Signal Station will normally ask from where to where the calling yacht plans to sail and then give approval and information covering other traffic within the area to be considered. (Commercial vessel entering or leaving the Canal or anchorage areas etc.).

The regulations covering the restricted areas and areas where small craft can sail without Pilot or Advisor are the same for all yachts whether scheduled for transit or not.

All boats sailing in the canal waters outside the restricted area must report their movements to the respective signal station and adhere to instructions received. Generally moving from one place to another within the unrestricted Canal waters or in transit is no problem whereas pleasure sailing, fishing etc. in/around the areas is not allowed.

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