Pacific Updates for Solomons and Nauru

Catamaran “Two Oceans” just sailed from Vanuatu via Santa Cruz in the Solomons to Nauru and Kosrae in Micronesia. Here are some points that you may find interesting.

Published 13 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Solomons: Santa Cruz Island

Lata is the place to check in. It is just past the western entrance to Graziosa bay. Follow the shore, taking care of the reefs.

There is a dock with sufficient depth you can use if the wind is not too strong in its direction. There is no customs officer yet and all you have to do is check in with the police (as mentioned on noonsite). We were “caught” by the province Premier who insisted that we check with him too. This was accomplished on the road near his office. You fill a form for the police but get no copy or other papers showing you were there. Passports were not stamped.

There are quite a few shops with limited supplies, the best one was found in the petrol station where they agreed to take U.S dollars (the local bank branch does not change foreign currency). They also took us in their truck back to the dock.

A good and calm anchorage is on the SE corner of the bay between a small village and a river.



Correct telephone numbers:

Immigration – 647- 5573080

Port authority – 647-5573158

As we came in we tried to call on VHF – getting no response. We went into the barge basin – past a bar of 1.5 meters – and tied to a barge.

Customs was a nice guy, but immigration, an Australian, threatened me with the prosecution and together with the local port official who showed up, demanded that we leave immediately. The fact that night fell, that it was squally outside, that there were no lights at the entrance or the numerous ship buoys and my informing them that we did not have enough food and water did not alter their decision.

What they say is that you have to stand outside until they contact you and even then permission to enter is not sure to be given. They were extremely unfriendly and unreasonable. I don’t recommend going there at all.

I would have done better going straight to Kosrae (FSM). Once in Kosrae – everybody was so nice and friendly, but no authorities on a Sunday.


Miki Barzam, SY “Two Oceans”

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