New “Procedures” website for yachts visiting Hong Kong

Published 15 years ago, updated 6 years ago

The Hong Kong Immigration Department and Hong Kong Marine Department have produced a web page for visiting yachts outlining port procedures and requirements:

Until now this information has been spread over a number of online locations. There is an understanding that as the presence of super yachts in the region grows, Hong Kong is needing to become more “user friendly” towards these vessels.

This is a step in the right direction though attention should be drawn to the crew immigration requirements which currently remain based on tourist visas as opposed to the length of time a yacht is allowed to visit. Discussions are continuing in this area and it is hoped that rules can be changed to accommodate visiting crew in due course.

Both departments have stressed their willingness to assist where they can. Colin Dawson of Expat Services Ltd, a prime mover in this initiative, reports that “I’ll be happy to channel any feedback to the relevant people in these departments should any further information be required”. He can be contacted on: (852) 2530 2331

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