Namibia Clearance & Cruising Information

The following port clearance and cruising information is provided by SY YOLO to help sailors visiting Namibia. This information is based on two U.S.A. citizens on the 42 foot catamaran YOLO with no pets.

Published 8 years ago, updated 6 years ago

ARRIVAL DAY/ DATE:  Monday, February 15, 2016

ARRIVAL PORT:  Luderitz, Namibia

DEPARTURE DAY/DATE:  Saturday, March 19, 2016

DEPARTURE PORT:  Walvis Bay, Namibia

Consider the navigational information noted below as suggestions, and rely on your own sailing skills for accuracy and safety.


Sailing along the western coast of Namibia is usually uneventful with the wind at your back and help from a northbound current.  Fog, however, is quite common along the coast. The ports of Luderitz and Walvis Bay are safe and secure, especially when compared to those in South Africa.  Namibia ports fail to have a long list of tourist attractions, which probably appeals to many cruisers who seek safe, quiet, anchorages with all the conveniences of a big town.  The two million citizens in Namibia co-exist in harmony and they have a reputation for assisting travellers in a fair and friendly manner.  Many sailors plan on spending a week or two in Namibia, and before they know it six or more weeks have flown off the calendar.


Early in the calendar year, all the stars align for sailing to Namibia from the Cape Town area.  Wait for a weather window and leave the Cape Town area with a big smile on your face.  The trade winds typically blow northward along the coast at less than 20 knots and the northbound Benguela current will add another knot or two to your journey.  Most sailors have a swift 525 nm trip from Cape Town to their first port of call, Luderitz.  I, like many other sailors, stayed in the 100 to 200-meter waters to take advantage of the northbound current.


I, like many other sailors, stayed in the 100 to 200-meter waters to take advantage of the northbound current.  Cargo ships and bulk carriers also utilize this path for travel. Check your radar and/or AIS often.  If the winds are light, the warm land air and very cold Benguela current water create fog, and visibility can be reduced to near zero.  Most sailors keep a good distance off the coast, because when the winds suddenly shift and start blowing from the west you are on the lee shore, and there are very few sheltered anchorages along the Namibia coast.

Enjoy the whales, seals, dolphins, and penguins during your sail.  Make sure you exercise your fishing lines, mine got a workout and the Yellow Tail and tuna were great.

The strongest winds of the year occur during late October through January, with five to seven day periods of around 25 to 35 knots.

My Navionics and C-Map electronic charts were very accurate in Namibia.



When you are approaching the Luderitz area from the south, yachties are often fat and happy.  With wind and waves are at their backs, life couldn’t be better.  However, when you approach Diaz Point and start your final approach to the anchorage, you typically enter a wind acceleration area.  Most yachts during their final approach are on a beam reach, heading east, and the wind and waves are screaming!  Prior to Diaz Point, my winds were in the low to mid-20s.  Near and after Diaz Point the winds accelerated to the 40-knot range with peaks as high as 68 knots!  Accelerating winds are very common at Luderitz, and several boats simply could not handle the high winds and large waves, so they continued sailing north, skipping Luderitz altogether.

After you pass Halifax Island, Diaz Point, and Angra Point, you will be entering Luderitz Harbour and you will see the channel buoys which will lead you to the yacht anchorage.

When you start to see navigation buoys, call Luderitz Port Control on VHF Channel 16.  The super-friendly and English speaking port personnel will ask you to switch to their working channel, VHF 12.  Ask for permission to enter the port and be prepared to answer the usual arrival questions:  Name of your vessel, gross tonnage of the vessel, overall length of the vessel, port of registration of the vessel, nationality of the vessel, name of the master, number of crew on board, nationality of the master and each crew member, and the last port-of-call.  Port Control will typically assign you to an anchor location or mooring, which is on the east side of the port channel and turning basin.

If you want to listen to the tug, cargo ship, and cruise line chatter, tune in to VHF channel 13.


Shouldn’t be an issue for most sailors.  The Luderitz channel is well marked by flashing channel markers.  However, have a torch at the bow so that you can avoid the long painters on the unused mooring balls in the yacht anchorage area.  Entering Walvis Bay and proceeding to the anchorage is also straightforward at night.


The yacht and local boat anchorage area are located at 26.38.4 South and 015.09.4 East.

You have three options when visiting Luderitz:

1. Drop an anchor on the east side of the dredged area used by the cargo ships (channel and turning basin).

2. Rent a mooring from one of the locals.  The locals typically charge about $3 USD per day to use their moorings.  If you are using one of their moorings they will approach you for the funds.  These moorings are located very close to the floating dinghy dock.

3. Pick up a free mooring.  These moorings are owned by the diamond dredging companies and fishing boats.  Their moorings are a little further north of the dinghy dock.  Dredgers are at sea for 21 days, then they return to their mooring for 7 business days.  If a dredger does return to port you will have to vacate their mooring.  In most cases, someone will advise you that the dredger will be returning to port several days in advance.  They usually return to port during the morning (after sunrise) so that they can off-load their bags of stones during daylight.  The dredgers seldom work during high wind and wave days, since they work shallow coastal waters.

Fishing boats come and go according to their success at sea.  However, the fishing boat moorings are seldom used during January through early May because the fishermen are very busy and use the commercial port/wharf during this time of year.  They typically pull into port, off-load their catch, top off with fuel, water, and food, and then return to their fishing grounds.


The voyage from Luderitz to Walvis is about 265 nm.  Some yachts anchor along the way at Hottentot Bay (26.06.8 South and 014.57.4 East) and/or near Mercury Island (25.43.0 South and 014.50.4 East).  With the wind and current from the south, sailing wing-on-wing or with double headsails, you will have a smooth and quick sail of about 48 hours.  Enjoy the fishing, dolphins, whales, and seals along the way.

Most yachts anchor near the Walvis Bay Yacht Club (WBYC) at 22.57.2 South and 014.28.8 East.  When you turn east at Pelican Point and start heading into Walvis Bay, give Walvis Bay Port Control a call on VHF channel 12 or 16.  Ask them for permission to enter the port and proceed to the small boat anchorage near the yacht club. Do not use the dredged channels; leave them to port and watch for the marine farming buoys on starboard. Entering the well-marked port at night should NOT be a problem for most sailors.  Good holding mud is what you will find in the yacht club anchorage area.

If you cleared into Namibia while in Luderitz, you do NOT have to check in at Customs, Immigration, or Port Control at Walvis Bay.  Also, the in-transit paperwork generated in Luderitz by Customs can be ignored, since Customs in Walvis Bay will do the same if you waste your time giving it to them.


Luderitz: The large, floating, and well-maintained dinghy dock is located at the southeast corner of the port/bay.  Full-time security guards watch over the wood pier and dinghy dock, despite serious crime is nearly unheard of in this small community.  Make sure that you tie your dinghy to the north or west sides of the dinghy dock because the commercial tourist boat frequently uses the eastern side of the dock during the morning hours to pick up and drop off passengers.

The Luderitz Waterfront Development Corporation owns and manages the floating dinghy dock, wooden pier, and waterfront plaza.  In theory, there is a $50 NAD ($3 USD) per day fee for using the dinghy dock.  This fee also allows you to use the water taps in the waterfront plaza area.  If you want to pay the fee go to the Luderitz Waterfront Development Corporation office (a government-owned institution), which is located just north and east of the waterfront plaza Monday through Friday during normal business hours.  The office has several flags flying out front of their building.  In reality, none of the security employees working in the plaza area will ask you to pay for using the dinghy dock.  However, they MIGHT ask you to pay for filling drinking water containers.

In emergencies, you can dock your yacht at the floating dinghy dock, which is dependent on your draft and tides.  In such cases, you must contact the Development Corporation in advance and pay the appropriate fee, 50 NAD per day, which is a bargain in anybody’s book.

Walvis Bay: The WBYC dock/wharf is fixed in place, which makes landing a dinghy a challenge at low tides.  And, if the tide is rising and the wind is blowing from the south or west, some dinghies have been trapped under the wharf.  During these conditions, many sailors pull their dinghies up on the beach in front of the yacht club. Just pay attention to what the tide will be doing while you are ashore.


You are NOT required to have a shipping agent when clearing into and out of Namibia.


Upon arrival, you can stay up to 90 days as a tourist.  A prior to arrival VISA is NOT needed.  A bond is NOT needed.


During my stay in Namibia, not a single yacht was inspected.


Clearing-in to Namibia is quick, free, and painless.  What a relief after the last few countries.  The process in Luderitz is:

1. Immigration is open from 0800 to 1700, Monday through Friday.  They are closed during lunch hour, which is 1300 to 1400.  If you arrive at the port on Saturday or Sunday, visit Immigration on Monday morning.  To get to Immigration, walk south from the dinghy dock on the wooden pier and keep going straight south through the waterfront plaza until you hit the main street, turn right and walk about a hundred meters to the railroad tracks, turn right and follow the tracks to a fenced guard post, turn right (face North) and you are looking at the Immigration Office. They will ask to see a couple of the usual ship papers and forms, and they will have you complete several forms.  If need be, they will photocopy your original documents.  Then they will stamp your passport and send you on your way.

2. Customs is open from 0800 to 1700, Monday through Friday, and is closed for lunch during 1300 to 1400. Customs is located in a building next door (15 meters to the east) to Immigration.  They have the same hours as Immigration and will ask you to complete a couple of forms   They will stamp your clearing-out document from your last foreign port-of-call, with the date you cleared into Namibia.  In my case, they stamped my South African exit papers (my Report Inwards (sic) / Outward For Ship document).  This is the only proof that you cleared-in with Namibia Customs, so hold on to it, even though the document was originally created in another country.  Customs will photocopy your original documents if you request it.  If you want to clear-in during Saturday or Sunday, telephone their after hours support phone number posted on their door.  Overtime charges apply to weekend clearances.  There is an N$50/hour charge and they must bring two people in to clear you.

3. Port Control is open 24/7/365 and it is located in the secured port area about 100 meters west of Customs.  You leave Customs, immediately turn right, and go through the port security checkpoint.  A security guard often takes new arrivals to the second-floor port control office.   Port Control will ask you for a copy of your Crew List, last foreign port-of-call exit paper, and your Ship’s Paper.  Control will make copies of these documents if you want them to.  After completing a brief one-page form, you are free of officialism and can roam the country.


Bottom line, nothing.  The officials in Luderitz are VERY aware that clearing out of South Africa, Mozambique, and Madagascar is difficult on a good day, and impossible on many other days.  So, they see numerous yachts each year which do NOT have clearance papers from their last foreign port.  When faced with this exception, they say, “no problem,” and they make you “promise” to officially and properly clear out of Namibia.  And, this is an easy promise to keep, given the hassle-free clearance procedures of Namibia.


Pets are welcomed in Namibia.  During the clearance procedure with Customs state that you have a healthy pet on board.  They will refer you to the Nature Conservation Department which is located several blocks away from the Customs office.


A.  Next Port-of-Call is in Namibia

According to Luderitz rules, you must visit Customs prior to leaving Luderitz and heading off to Walvis Bay, Namibia.  Customs will collect the last foreign port-of-call exit paper they stamped when you entered Luderitz, Namibia, and issue a new transfer form stating that your next destination is Walvis Bay.  Customs expects you to leave the port within three hours under normal circumstances.  However, they don’t work at night or during the weekend, so they will clear you out for these time periods just before closing hours (Monday through Friday, 0800 to 1700).

Note 1: YOLO cleared out of Luderitz for Walvis Bay, and then decided to stick around Luderitz for another 10 days.  After delaying my departure for four days, I went to Customs and stated that I was delaying my departure.  “No problem,” was Customs reply, “leave when you want to leave.”  In my case, no additional paperwork was required for the 10-day delayed departure.

Note 2: Yachts which cleared out of Luderitz and arrived at Walvis Bay, as their next port of call in Namibia, were NOT asked to provide any proof of being in Luderitz.  Why Customs require you to clear-out of Luderitz when travelling to Walvis Bay, is anybody’s guess.  The officials in Walvis Bay certainly don’t appear to care.

Just prior to departing Luderitz, contact Port Control on VHF channel 16 and ask permission to leave the port and tell the controller the name of your next port.

B.  Next Port-of-Call is outside Namibia

Most yachts clear out of Walvis Bay and the process is quick and easy.  Grab your passport, ship papers, and crew list and head off to the following:

1.  First stop, Customs.  There are two Customs offices near the north/main entrance gates to the secured port facility.  You want the office WITHOUT a sign.  Go over the railroad tracks and turn left at the next street.  Within 100 meters, you will find a security post for trucks entering and exiting the port facility.  The Customs office is located at the security checkpoint.  The officer on duty will look at your ship papers, crew list, and your Namibian Report Inwards/Outwards For Ships form.  He will have you complete a new Report Inwards/Outwards For Ship from, stamp it, and send you on your way.

2.  Final stop, Immigration.  Immigration is located about a 100 meters west of your first stop and Customs will point you in the right direction.  Fill out an Immigration Arrival/Departure Form and hand in your passports.  After the computer system is updated, your passports will be stamped and returned to you.  Good news, you’re done!

Customs and Immigration are open 7 days per week at Walvis Bay.  Prior to leaving Walvis Bay, call Port Control and ask for permission to leave the port.

If you plan to leave Namibia from Luderitz, you will have to visit Immigration, Customs, and Port Control there.


Luderitz: Clearing in and out of Luderitz with Immigration, Customs, and Port Control is free during normal business hours.  If you call Customs and want them to clear you in or out on Saturday or Sunday, you will have to pay an overtime charge of 100 NAD ($7.00 USD).  This fee covers 2 officials, each earning 50 NAD for one hour.

Walvis Bay: Clearing in and out of Walvis Bay costs you nothing!   That’s just another reason sailors love Namibia.


Luderitz is a small community of about 20,000 people, which is focused on fishing and mining.  Tourism is also starting to take hold.  The waterfront area has been upgraded thanks to a generous donation by a European man who owns many of the local fish factories.  The town is stuffed full of old (100+ years) and well maintained German style homes and businesses.  Within several blocks of the dinghy dock, you will find several large grocery stores, banks/ATMs, service stations, auto and marine parts at Cymot, hardware at Mega Build, fishing gear at Eigelaar Marine Store, and other retailers.  Basic marine support is provided by the local automotive, fishing industry, and heavy equipment technicians.

The “haves” live in town, and the majority of (“have not”) citizens live in the shanty towns on the other side of the rocky desert ridge.  Despite the huge economic separation between the two groups, everyone appears to get along as one big happy family.  Because of the economic downturn in the mining and fishing industries, about 10,000 people have moved away from Luderitz during the last few years.

Make sure you get your exterior boat chores done early in the morning because the winds start-a-whipping come 10 am.  And, they stay on steroids until after dark on most days.

There are several cafes on or near the waterfront.  The Sea Breeze Bistro is located front and centre and is the most popular place to eat a meal or drink a few.  It has free Wi-Fi.  The fish and chips shop at the plaza is also popular, $2 USD for a good meal.

The town is too small for buses, yet you will see taxis everywhere.  In reality, the community is rather compact, and you can easily walk everywhere.  There are two private tourist information centres/shops.  Either one will transport you to the nearby out-of-town tourist sites…ghost towns (Kolmanskop, Elizabeth Bay, Bogenfels), 4 X 4 dune rides, mines, agate beaches, harbour tour (yeah right!), airport, etc.  The info centres will give you a free map of Luderitz, which notes a self-guided tourist route.  The cost for visiting the town museum is about $1 USD, visiting the old German Church will cost you $1 USD, and the tour of the old mansion built by a diamond mine owner will cost you $1.50 USD.  A group of six visiting the Kolmanskop ghost town will be charged about $20 USD each (this includes transportation, entrance fee, and tour guide). You must get a permit (N$80/pp) at the tourist shop and then pay for transportation to get out there.


At the end of the dinghy dock, pier and slightly to the west is the Luderitz Yacht Club.  It has a few paying members (about three dozen) and less than a handful of boats.  However, the yacht club is often full of fun and joy come 1600 Tuesday through Sunday, it is closed on Mondays.  The like-new facility is open to the public, which takes advantage of the extremely cheap beers (a very large draft is $1 USD), large flat screen TVs, free Wi-Fi, darts, pool, and socializing.  It has a three-item menu, which didn’t get great reviews when I was there.  You can buy a hot shower for $1 USD ($15 NAD) or fill up your water jug (singular) for $5 NAD.  Your first shower and jug of water are free.  The yacht club typically closes when the last man fails to remain standing or he departs the premises, whichever comes first.

If you make arrangements in advance with the bartender, you can have a hot shower in the morning while the cleaning lady is doing her thing.

If you will be in Luderitz for three or more weeks, becoming a member of the yacht club could save you money.  Memberships start at 200 NAD ($14 USD).  Members get free showers, free drinking water, and meals will be discounted 10%.


WBYC is a fully functional yacht club with all the traditional trappings:  Bar, free Wi-Fi, sailing programs, showers, restaurant (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), fresh water, etc.  Temporary membership costs 300 NAD ($21 USD) per boat per week.  Fill out their brief one-page membership form and hand it to the bartender with your payment to become a member.  Their moorings cost 150 NAD ($10 USD) per day.  There are numerous cafes and bars within a block or two of the WBYC.


Air Namibia services both port cities.  Some of the flights to/from Luderitz were cancelled for no apparent reason, so the passengers got to spend another sunny and windy day in the sand and rock paradise.

Luderitz: Bidvest has the least expensive cars, call the owner Doeka at 081-251-5835, or call Avis (owned by Venie) at 081-124-1827, or call Ben or Marietjie at BB Car Hire at 081-128-7826 or 081-245-6164.  You will very rarely find anyone working at their “office” locations, so call them in advance for quotes and availability.  Each firm has a very limited selection of car hires.


If you will be travelling to the Fish River Canyon or the Namib Desert Park (Sossusvlei) you MUST drive on long stretches of dirt/sand/gravel roads.  I completed a 2,000-kilometre land tour of these areas which required three days and 2 nights.  Given the road conditions at the time of my travel, a SUB-COMPACT car would have been inappropriate for travel.  At the other end of the spectrum, renting a 4 X 4 was NOT needed.  I rented a front wheel drive compact VW with decent ground clearance and made it everywhere.  It was advertised as a “five adult” model and rented for $44 USD per day.  Smart travellers would opt for the additional windshield, tyre, sandblasting, and hubcap coverage, which costs about $80 NAD ($5 USD) per day.  FYI, the number of blown out tyres and launched hubcaps along the side of the gravel roadways in Namibia was only exceeded by the number of grains of sand in the desert.

Most towns have one or more fuel station.

The fee for foreigners for entering most tourist sites/parks is $80 (NAD) per person and $10 (NAD) for the vehicle, which is a total of $15 USD per couple with a car.

Note: Many of the tourism firms in Namibia give “South Africans” a discount for visiting their park, lodge, hotel, etc.  The discount is typically 10% or more.  So, when you hear the question, “where are you from,” answer appropriately?

Walvis Bay: Taking a taxi anywhere in Walvis Bay will cost you 20 NAD per PERSON ($1.25 USD) one-way.  It is difficult to walk several hundred meters without a taxi honking for your attention in WB.  The central business district has just about everything you need including four large grocery stores.

The best deal in town for transportation and getting yacht related tasks completed is offered by Matthew, cell phone 081-205-9934.  Matthew will also give you VIP treatment when it comes to seeing the local highlights (Dune 7, Swakopmund Kristall Galerie, Swakopmund Museum, Swakopmund Aquarium, snake park, etc.).  His round-trip fee for Swakopmund is 170 NAD per PERSON ($11 USD).  If you need boat/engine assistance, Matthew will quickly find a vendor to assist you.  His email is

If trains are your thing, you can get a ride from Walvis Bay to the capitol (Windhoek) six days per week.  The trip is slow, taking about 12 hours, and a first-class seat or sleep car ticket costs about $11 USD each way.  Unfortunately, both trips are night trips so you won’t see much.  Shuttle bus service also runs between the two locations.


The tides max out at about one meter.


English is widely spoken and is the official language of Namibia.  Most subjects in school are taught in English.  Afrikaans and local indigenous languages are also widely spoken.


Payoffs for the front line government officials is unheard of when it comes to tourists.


Private yachting or boating won’t be catching on any time soon in Namibia.  Basic marine support is provided by the local automotive, fishing industry, and heavy equipment technicians.  Technical support in Walvis Bay is much more likely than in Luderitz.


The basics are covered by the local public clinics and most boaters seek assistance from local private doctors, which are very affordable when compared to North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore.

There are two private doctor offices in Luderitz:

A.  Amstes Medical Practice, Doctor J. Mahachi, call cell 081-281-6843 or office 063-203-340.

B.  Dr N.E. Marais and Dr D.J. Petzer, 63-20-2515

Walvis Bay: The Welwitschia Private Hospital is located at the corner of Marconi and 11th Street.  Call 64-21-8911 for details.


The Namibian Dollar (NAD) is the currency used in the country.  It is tied to the South African Rand in terms of daily value.  In fact, you can use Namibian Dollars and/or South African Rand at any retail location in Namibia.  The same holds true for both paper and coin currency.   One U.S. Dollar equalled $16.20 NAD during my visit.  Namibia accepts South African currency but South Africa will not accept Namibian currency.  Namibia is the only place its currency is valid.

The local banks all have ATMs and credit cards (VISA and MasterCard) are accepted at the major retailers (service stations, grocery stores, hardware store, etc.).

Many purchases in Namibia will include their 15% “sales” tax, A.K.A. VAT.


Most businesses in Luderitz are open five days a week, Monday through Friday 0800 to around 1700.  Many close for lunch, 1300 to 1400.  A few businesses are open Saturdays mornings.  Only the bars and a couple of cafes are open Saturday afternoon or on Sundays.


Luderitz: The trash cans/bins are located in the waterfront plaza area, or behind the yacht club.

Walvis Bay: The trash cans are located on the north side of the yacht club.


Luderitz: We drank the water right out of the tap throughout Namibia.  Drinking water is piped 180 kilometres from deep desert wells to Luderitz.  You can get free drinking water at the outside faucet located between the Immigration and Customs building, or at the outside faucet located near the palm trees between the main road and the Sea Breeze Bistro cafe.

Walvis Bay Yacht Club – Caution: There are numerous outside water taps in the club area and NOT all of them are created equal.  Some dispense DRINKING WATER and some pipe SEWAGE WATER (used to water the lawn).  The outside tap nearest their dock/wharf carries drinking water and you get the handle for the tap from the bartender.


You will quickly notice that most of Namibia lack razor and barb wire fences, barred windows and doors, security dogs and guards, etc.  You can travel in Luderitz or Walvis Bay day or night with little concern.  FYI, there are about 50 police officers in Luderitz and according to the officer I spoke with, “The last time we had a serious issue was about four years ago.”  I never saw an armed guard or policeman in Namibia except at the ATMs.  According to several locals, there is a petty crime (theft) in Luderitz.

Walvis Bay and Swakopmund appear to be almost crime free.


Most goods arrive in Namibia via South Africa with a duty on them.  The “average” import duty is 19%, with the duty range running from 0% for some items to 45% for other items.  Goods which “should take 3 days” for delivery from South Africa, often take over 10 days.

The DHL office in Walvis Bay is located across the street from the train station.


Most locals and visitors get cellphone and Wi-Fi service from MTC, which has the widest coverage and supposedly best coverage in Namibia.  A Wi-Fi chip with 5 Gb will set you back about $50 USD and it will expire in 90 days.  MTC claims that Luderitz has 3G service, which I rarely experienced.  Bandwidth from 0000 to 0800 is acceptable.  Surfing during the afternoon and evening is painfully slow.  The MTC office in Luderitz is located next to the Post Office at the corner of Bismarck and Nachtigall Streets.

MTC Wi-Fi and cell phone coverage in Walvis Bay is excellent.

Other yachties reported that the competitor to MTC offers unlimited internet access for 7 days for about $30 USD.  They are Telcom (their orange advertisements just have 085, not the name on them) and are next door to MTC.


The country code is +264 when dialling long distance.


Luderitz: Joyce Laundry is located behind the OK Grocer store.  The fee for doing your laundry varies according to the size of the basket used to measure your clothes.  I.e. weight is ignored.  A “small basket” of laundry will cost you 100 NAD, $7 USD, and a “large basket” is $21 USD.  Same day or next day service is available.


In Namibia, most items are considered free or very cheap when compared to the prices found in most parts of the world.  The cost of most goods and services reflect those found in South Africa, or maybe slightly more.  Also, the average full-time low skilled worker in Namibia earns about forty-cents USD per hour.  So give your waitress or bartender a generous tip, because she/he is probably earning about $4 USD per 12 hour work day!  Unemployment in most Namibia communities exceeds 70 per cent!  The cost of hotel rooms and tourist meals are double those found in South Africa.


The ultra-cheap alcohol of South Africa spills over into Namibia with just a small rise in price.  A 750 ml bottle of good SA wine can be had for $2 USD, or less.  Five-liter boxes of wine are less than $7 USD when they are on special at the grocery stores or bottle shops.  Spirits and beer are also cheap.  Many bars sell a bottle or can of beer for $1 USD, and a large draft is also $1 USD.


UTC/GMT +2 is local time, which is the Western Africa Time Zone, and the same as Cape Town, South Africa.  Namibia honours Daylight Savings Time which starts in early September and ends in early April each year.


China, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and the U.S.A. have embassies in the capital city of Windhoek, Namibia.


Gasoline/petrol was 73 cents USD per litre in early 2016.

Diesel was 63 cents USD per litre, which was slightly less than the price of South African diesel.

In Luderitz, the Shell service station (petrol, diesel, and engine oil) is less than 2 blocks from the dinghy dock.  You can get propane at the hardware store, Mega Build.

There are at least 6 service stations in Walvis Bay.  None are within walking distance, so plan on using a taxi which will cost you about $2 USD return.


Clearing into and out of Namibia is free, quick, and easy.  Sailing up the coast is often a joy with the wind and waves at your back, and landing fish for dinner is very common.  The cost of living is very inexpensive, personal safety is not a big concern, and the citizens of Namibia a warm, friendly, and honest.  Rent a car and explore the canyons, deserts, and mountains of Namibia.  Knock off a few of those boat chores, then relax and chill out.  Look for a good weather window for crossing the South Atlantic before saying “good-bye” to Africa.

SUBMITTED BY:  Jason Trautz, s/v YOLO (You Only Live Once, life is not a rehearsal)

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