Mexico Cruising: Views from Cruisers

Published 10 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Posted 26 July, 2014 by Hans Lehmann

After 2 years of cruising, I have come to land and will stay for some time. Here are some of my experiences of underway in Mexico:

Isla Mujeres, Mexican Caribbean:

My experience in Isla Mujeres is clouded by the greedy and unpolite attitude of “mostly” Cab drivers. Although by law they have to work for the regular 16 pesos when driving several passengers, they always tried to “milk” one more poor Gringo. So, more than once the Tourist Police had to intervene and – combined with the outrageous fees the Marina Paraiso was taking for arranging my documents (total USD 280), Isla Mujeres became one more bad experience in Latin America.

My good experiences in Mexico (Gulf and Caribbean) were in Progreso, on Yucatan Half Island.

Mexican Pacific Coast: 

My experience on the Mexican Pacific Coast was extraordinarily good, with the exception of Chiapas.

First port, Ensenada, I had very good service at Baja Naval and the only suggestion would be, to clean up the showers and toilets.

Sailing further south, I recommend to everyone to stop at Isla San Benito, neighbour island to Isla Cedros. Outrageously big lobsters and some abulony combined with exceptional hospitality from the fisherman made this island almost on a level with the Galapagos.

In Bahia Tortuga, I had some good experiences. I feel sorry for Maria’s loss with her place burning down and I suggest to every sailor to leave her some dollars to make up her place again. She is very friendly and very helpful to sailors.

Bahia Escorpio (San Jacinto) is a wonderful place and the people are great.

Port Magdalena is one outstanding site on this planet. Chejo and his restaurant make it unique and generally, the fishermen from Puerto San Carlos as also Puerto Magdalena, make it an unforgettable experience.

Cabo San Lucas is it not worth mentioning. Expensive, bad service and no consideration to sailors, don’t go there!

Mazatlan, Marina El Cid is one wonderful place. Nice, good service and a wonderful sailing community.

San Blas? Go there! I had no problem with the “no see-ums”, as I used insect repellent. But the town, the people and the atmosphere make it worthwhile.

Zihuatanejo, very nice!

Acapulco? The people of Acapulco are coming out of their struggles with the drug war, but the city is safe and the people very friendly. It is a damaged place, physically. But it is worth it.

Huatulco, yes! Very nice.

Chiapas? The Port Captain is not aware of his responsibility to sailors to give them the Zarpe on time. He delays the zarpes, although people need to leave according to the weather conditions. I had to leave without the zarpe signed and am having some troubles down in Ecuador because of that.

I hope, this report helps some other sailors and wish to all good winds.

Hans Lehmann



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