Mauritius, Cargados Carajos Shoals: Report of a Visit to the Islands

Michael Barzam gives his account of visiting Raphael and Cocos islands and the official requirements needed when leaving the boat and flying out of the country for a while.

Published 11 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Dear Noonsite,

“Two Oceans” is now in Mauritius.

Regarding Cargados Carajos – there is a presence of coast guard people on Raphael island. Call them on 16 and they will come and take your particulars and pass them to their headquarters. This seems to be the right thing to do.

In Cocos island, there is a small fishing lodge and an excellent anchorage 8 meters deep on the sand in 16 48.621 S 59 30.431 E. The keeper of the place, Gabi and his wife Mary Therese are very friendly and helpful.

In Port Louis, we encountered a problem anyone who plans to leave the boat there and fly out should be aware of. The yacht skipper (not the crew) has to get a letter from the visa section in immigrations main office in Port Louis, permitting him to fly out. To get this letter (which one has to show passport control at the airport) you have to employ a skipper who will be responsible for the boat while you are away. You have to bring a letter from that skipper as well as a copy of his skipper’s certificate and national I.D. Also needed are copies of your passport first page, the page with the entry stamp, a copy of the health check document, your agreement with the Caudan marina, or any other place you plan to leave the boat at plus the receipt for the payment to it. Lastly a copy of your confirmed airline ticket out and in again at specific dates. Some people say that the airport immigration officers may not enforce this rule but a possible penalty could be losing your flight, not something I would want to take a chance with.

Another matter: if an electrician is needed – a young man named Ivan, which although not cheap, seems to be a professional; he repaired my alternator. Tel. 7908456, e-mail:

Rashid, the taxi driver, is a talkative and friendly person who works with yachties, helping with laundry, fuel, shopping and of course travel around the island or to the airport. His phone is 7081042; he will surely show up when you check in!

A chandlery named Espace Marin disappointed us by not having the basic items we needed.


Michael Barzam

SV Two Oceans

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