Malaysia Peninsula: Anchoring and Navigating the East Coast

Following confusion surrounding cruising yachts being fined for infringing on National Park Anchoring regulations on the east coast of Peninsula Malaysia, Noonsite has received clarification on requirements for cruising yachts, from Sazli Kamal Basha from Sail Malaysia.

Published 4 months ago

Most East Coast Islands are Marine Parks

Source:  Sail Malaysia – Sazli Kamal Basha

Peninsula Malaysia and the Federal Territory of Labuan in Borneo are administered by the Jabatan Laut (Marine Department) of Malaysia and governed under the Merchant Shipping Ordnance (MSO) 1952.  The semi-autonomous states of Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysian Borneo are not a signatory and therefore not bound by this ordinance.

In May 2024, a group of Sail Malaysia Rally yachts were threatened with fines for supposedly infringing on National Park anchoring regulations in eastern Malaysia, around Pulau Tioman and Pulau Tinggi.      The yachts were anchored off a resort on Pulau Sibu, with the resort’s permission.  In 2023 a yacht was detained and the owner fined for anchoring in a National Park, even though the skipper had paid for a permit to visit the National Park in Tioman.

Providing an update for yachts Navigating the East Coast of Peninsula Malaysia 2024, Sazli Kamal Basha said most of the islands in eastern Peninsula Malaysia have been gazetted as marine parks.  All maritime traffic – including recreational vessels – are not only governed by MSO 1952 but also by the Fisheries Act 1985.

“These parks are administered from Putrajaya (Federal level) through respective state offices in Terengganu, Pahang and Johor, ” he said. “Practices may differ slightly from state to state.”


To enter the Terengganu Marine Park Islands, all yachts must first report in at Kuala Terengganu.  Prior to arrival, write to the Marine Park Office for permission to enter.  This can be done through an agent or by yourself.  According to marine park laws here, anchoring is prohibited, but due to limitations on mooring buoys and jetties, authorities may give you permission to anchor in a pre-approved location.

It is important to note that in Terengganu the marine parks are divided into four areas: Redang Islands; Perhentian Islands; Pula Kapas; and Pulau Tenggol.  An entry fee is charged to visit each location and it is recommended buying your tickets at the marine park office in Kuala Terengganu.

turquoise waters with a view from a beach and a tree in the foreground, then a long wooden jetty with a covered portion at the end extending out into the sea
Perhentian Islands, Malaysia

Pahang-Tioman Marine Park

This is the most popular place to visit on Peninsula Malaysia’s east coast. The marina is almost always full, but anchoring is allowed on the northern side of the marina.  All visiting cruisers must check in with the Marine Department at the Tioman Marina as well as Immigration and Customs, if this is your first port of entry into Malaysia.  Pay your park fees to the Marine Department, after which you are free to explore Tioman and Pulau Tulai.

Johor Marine Parks

All of the islands of eastern Johor are under the jurisdiction of the Johor State Government under Taman Laut Sultan Iskandar (TMSI).  Before you can enter the Johor Islands, you have to check into Mersing port to do the formalities with the Marine Department, Immigration and Customs.

Prior to arriving in Mersing, you must write to the Marine Park officials for permission to visit the islands by yacht and also to seek permission to dive if that is what you intend to do.

Anchoring is not allowed within two nautical miles from shore in the Johor Islands. You will need to find either a mooring or a jetty.

Damaging Coral

Mooring buoys are inadequate at most locations so anchoring is permitted – with permission.  Note that there are heavy penalties for damaging corals in these marine parks.  Corals are not just monitored by authorities but also by local dive operators.

Our thanks to Sail Malaysia with their assistance in confirming this information.


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