Madagascar, Antsiranana: Warning to Other Yachts Regarding Required Permits

Yacht Two Oceans discovered that without an Outward Clearance document and a “Permis de Circulation” when sailing from Antsiranana to Hellville you could be subject to a 1 million ariary fine.

Published 11 years ago, updated 6 years ago

With “Two Oceans” now in Madagascar, my curiosity led me to look for the reported marina west of Antsiranana. I regret to tell you that I could find neither marina nor boatyard in the given coordinates. There was a beached catamaran near the spot but my investigation did not go further.

On the way from Reunion we stopped for a while in Ile de Tromelin; as the southeasterly was blowing strongly the anchorage on the northwest had swells coming in from both sides of the island, making for the very unpleasant condition. I’m sure it’s good in settled weather.

Yachties checking in any port of entry should make sure they are getting all the required permits before sailing on. I sailed from Antsiranana to Hellville confident I had it all, discovered I should have asked for a clearance to go out (35000 ariary) and was threatened with a 1 million ariary fine (currency rates are 2000 ariary for the U.S dollar and 2800 for the euro). There is also a document called “Permis de Circulation” that you need; the lady in Antsiranana port control, to whom I outlined all my plans, did not find it important to advise me on those matters.

We were given the telephone number of a fibreglass repairman in Hellvile, a man named Jacques, who turned to be a great help in guiding us around town and assisting with everything we needed – authorities, laundry, shopping etc. He did GRP work on my boat to my full satisfaction and he impressed us as being an honest and reliable man. He charges about 10 euro per hour which, IMHO, is very cheap. His phone number is 03220415896 and e-mail:

Michael Barzam

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