Jolly Harbour, Antigua, Navigation Hazard

Published 15 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Posted 6 January 2010 by Jolly Harbour Marina Management

It was previously reported that there were two navigation hazards in the harbor entrance. Jolly Harbour has removed the spud which was broken off by a barge. This obstruction was marked with buoys.

Jolly Harbour has searched for the secondly mentioned obstruction but has been unable to find any evidence of it.

All boats are requested to use the clearly marked channel.

Both hazards were outside of the marked channel.

At the outer head of the channel, Jolly Harbour has placed a red and white cylindrical buoy as a Fairway marker. This marker was lit at night but the light has been stolen. It is being replaced as soon as possible and anyone who has any information about the theft please contact the Marina Office on (268) 462 6042.

Posted May 1st, 2009 – Report of Hazards

There are two obstructions close to the harbor entrance. Near the last red pile – 30ft/9 m to the southeast is a broken off spud from the barge, almost vertical, covered by 3 to 4 feet of water (the surrounding depth around is 10 to 12 feet). This obstruction has damaged several boats. Right now it is marked with a red and yellow flag and two yellow buoys. Approximately 40 ft/12 m further to the southeast is the second obstruction, a broken off part of a spud, resting almost horizontally on the ground. It is not marked at this time.

Be very careful approaching Jolly Harbour. The two piles out at sea are not lit. Stay in the middle of the marked channel: piles are outside the harbor, buoys inside.

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