Johor Bahru – Pilot for Yachts over 40ft – Updated

Published 13 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Posted July 2011

I have been told recently (to be confirmed) that when entering Johor Harbour Malaysia to go to Puteri Harbour Marina or Danga bay, boats over 40 ft will require a pilot.

For Puteri Harbour, call them on the VHF or phone, they have a pilot. This should be done before going beyond the second link bridge.

Paul Rice

Posted December 2011

Hi, I arrived at Puteri Harbour last week.

There does not appear to be any official requirement to have a pilot, and the marina staff here definitely don’t think you need one!

My boat is 46ft long, and I passed several Singapore police boats as I came up the river, and had a Malaysian Marine Dept boat pass me and wave.

I didn’t talk to anyone on the radio until I was outside the marina entrance (I had pre-booked my arrival).

So in summary, business as usual!


M/Y Tiger Balm

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