Honduras, Gorda Banks: Suspicious Activity – April 2018

(April 13, 2018) – As reported by CSSN: Suspicious Activity

Published 7 years ago, updated 6 years ago

As reported by CSSN.

DATE: 2018-04-13 11:15

Country Name: Honduras

Location Detail: Gorda Banks

EVENT: Suspicious activity


Stolen Items: N/A



A yacht transiting northward from Isla Providencia, Columbia to Grand Cayman, at a position of 15-45 N – 81-32 W was off the Gordo banks and travelling dark, and noticed a suspicious vessel on an intercept course from the WSW at 2245 HRS. At 2315 the suspect vessel was within a few hundred meters, displaying only running lights. The yacht assumed it was law enforcement and turned on its lights and made 3-4 calls on VHF 16 that were not answered.

The suspect vessel continued to track on an intercept course and increased speed in clear pursuit. The yacht was now able to identify the large 70+ ft. boat as a fishing trawler type vessel. The yacht was making good speed with full sail and added engine to further increase speed and was able to outpace the suspect vessel, which after 20 minutes gave up the pursuit, then stopped dead and lit up. The captain believes he was a target of opportunity and that the trawler was on the banks to fish.

Honduras: Offshore Piracy, 20 miles off Gordo Bank – January 2017CSSN NOTE: Routing, vigilance and preparation are important. Review summary piracy precautions specific to this area and other incidents on the dedicated regional piracy map, it’s easy to Know Before You Go!

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