Gulf of Davao and Holiday Oceanview Marina

Published 13 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Received From: Ellen Lee-Kwen

Subject: contribution – Gulf of Davao and Holiday Oceanview Marina


The Gulf of Davao is situated on the south coast of Mindanao Island and is approximately between latitude 6° 15′ and 7° 20′ East and longitude 125° 25′ and 126° 10′ East. It has a water area of 10,500 sq. km. and approximately 520 km. of coastline from Calian Point in Davao del Sur to Cape San Agustin in Davao Oriental.

Within the Gulf are the islands of Samal and Talikud in Davao del Norte, Kopiat in Davao Oriental and Lunod in Compostela Valley. Samal Island is the largest of these islands, with 118 km. of coastline.

The Gulf has a unique pattern of water movement. During flood tide, water mass south of Samal Island flows southwest. In the northern portion of the island, between Bassa Point and Gill Point, water mass flows northeast, then southward and swiftly veers east-northeast during the peak tide current. In addition, the more saline oceanic waters flow into the gulf through the deeper section of the Gulf pushing the existing water mass northward. Tide waves occurring ahead at the eastern section cause older water to wave towards the area of low elevation at the western side. Eddies and standing oscillations are present.

There are 33 rivers and creeks that empty into the Davao Gulf. Water exchange is mainly tidal with relatively good surface mixing during strong monsoon winds. The northern portion is generally estuarine in character due to the massive influx of freshwater from the flood plains, especially during the rainy season. This is why there would be a lot of river debris such as tree branches and river bank debris, especially during the highest tides and heavy rainfall.


The only marina for yachts in Mindanao. It is located at the northernmost point of Samal Island. It is now operational, with yachts coming in mainly for storage purposes whilst owners go back to their home country. The marina offers 24/7 security and with Davao being typhoon free, it is a perfect area to leave your yachts in. Power and electricity are available. There is a slipway for haul-outs as well.

The Marina has made special arrangements with the Boarding Crew (Customs, Immigration, and Quarantine), to fix the entry/exit fees charged to visiting yachts. This will prevent the irregularities and different amounts being charged to yachties visiting the Philippines. In addition, Marina patrons do not have to check in at the quarantine dock. You may proceed to the marina directly and the marina staff will accompany you in their service vehicle to the different offices for the check in and out procedure.

For more information and booking of berths/haulouts, please use the contact section of [BROKEN LINK]

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