Grenada, Prickly Bay: Multiple break-ins/thefts overnight – September 2017

Published 7 years ago, updated 5 years ago

As reported by CSSN.

DATE: 2017-09-01 04:00

Country Name: Grenada

Location Detail: Grenada Prickly Bay

EVENT: Theft


Stolen Items: generator, dinghy with outboard, other items

SECURED: Unlocked


Multiple break-ins/thefts overnight from 4-6 occupied and unoccupied yachts. A minor altercation with the thief, who escaped, when discovered by the onboard owners. Not known if police reports were made, details incomplete.

CSSN UPDATE: September 15, 2017.

A first-hand report has been received from one of the victims. The captain and crew of an occupied catamaran at anchor in Prickly Bay were awakened at 04:30 when a thief who had boarded lowered and disconnected the raised dinghy/outboard from its davits, it was not locked to the yacht. After much yelling other boats in the anchorage became aware of the situation and the thief attempted to escape in the stolen dinghy. He drifted away but could not get it to start. He removed and discarded the fuel line before paddling it back to the yacht to retrieve his yellow kayak to make another escape attempt. A scuffle ensued but the thief escaped in the kayak which had remained tied behind the yacht. The dinghy was recovered, minus the fuel line. A report was made the next day to the police/coast guard. The coast guard was in possession of (and trying to locate the true owners) another dinghy and also a compressor, found tied behind another (unoccupied) yacht the same night. Later, other yachts were found to have evidence of attempted break-ins.

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