Grenada, Prickly Bay: Dinghy and Outboard Theft – September 2019

A locked dinghy and outboard stolen from the Prickly Bay Marina dinghy dock.

Published 5 years ago

As reported by CSSN:

Date: 2019-09-25 06:00
Country Name: Grenada
Location Detail: Grenada Prickly Bay
EVENT: Theft
Stolen Items: Dinghy/15 HP Yamaha outboard


Owners left their dinghy/ 15 HP Yamaha cable locked to the Prickly Bay marina dinghy dock. It was stolen between Thursday, September 26th and Monday 30th. Owners will review CCTV footage with the marina and file a police report

UPDATE – 18 October, 2019

PBM staff met with the dinghy owner to review CCTV footage. Several new facts were discovered. The dinghy did go missing from the dock, but on Sunday September, 29, not as late as Monday September 30th as the owner had previously reported. His initial report had been based on input from a friend who had thought he had seen the subject dinghy at the dock on Monday, after storm conditions had subsided. He had not, but had apparently seen another similar (12ft. AB RIB/15HP Yamaha) dinghy
which was then located in the same place the subject dinghy had last been seen by the owner, cable locked to the cleat/dock, on Thursday, September 26th .

CCTV footage revealed that the dinghy did become uncleated (line NOT broken) at approximately 6 PM on Sunday, the day tropical storm conditions were experienced in the bay. PBM staff and the owner observed that the dinghy went adrift in the direction of Calabash beach before it reached the limits of the CCTV camera coverage. No information is available about the fate of the dinghy after this time. It has not been recovered. (Reference position 2 on the image below, a photo taken after the storm had passed).

However, the CCTV footage revealed that the dinghy was no longer in the same position where the owner had locked it, and the locking cable was completely absent in the CCTV video. (Reference position 1 on the image below).

PBM management has indicated they will preserve the footage and comply with any police inquiries about the relevant time frame should the owner complete an official police report. Additionally, they plan to introduce new signage at the dock relative to overnight/unattended dinghies at this dock.

CSSN has removed our original report and will update should new information become available.

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