Festive Wishes from Noonsite

For all of you, both on and off the water this holiday season, may we wish you joy, happiness and unforgettable moments.

Published 10 months ago

Reflecting on a year where the mighty ocean currents are flowing with an abundance of cruising yachts once more, the popularity of exploring by sailboat continues with renewed vigour. Here at Noonsite we continue to work hard to make it as easy as possible to go long-distance cruising by providing accurate, detailed information on clearance formalities worldwide and ports of entry plus providing a vast library of cruising resources.

Again, this year we have received wonderful feedback from a great number of Noonsite users who want to share their experiences and we continue to work with our contacts around the world who assist us with important news for cruisers and vital updates. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to Noonsite with useful information this year.

We now have over 32,000 registered users, of whom just over 2,000 are paying subscribers. We receive more than 80,000 unique visitors to our site each month and our monthly newsletter is opened by almost 18,000 readers, a staggering 63% open rate!

A heartfelt thankyou to all our users who have taken the step to subscribe and become paying Noonsite members. Your contribution means we can stay on the web and work making Noonsite better. We wouldn’t be here without your support.

We are keen to improve our member-only features in 2024 to meet the needs of our growing community of cruisers, and want to hear from you about how you would like to see Noonsite develop. In January we will send out a survey to all members and registered users, and we encourage you to get involved and share your ideas and thoughts. We are always interested, so if you have feedback that can’t wait, please email me editor@noonsite.com.

For all of you, both on and off the water this holiday season, may we wish you joy, happiness and unforgettable moments.

Sue and the Noonsite Team

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