Declare your Firearm or Face Jail

Published 14 years ago, updated 6 years ago

See noonsite Mexico Customs information warning about declaring your firearm on arrival and possible consequences should you fail to do so.

Report sent by US sailor James Hansen on Saturday 1 May 2010.

I have a great story but I just got out of jail and all charges dropped. I was charged with 2 felonies: 1) Introducing a gun into Mexico 2) Introducing bullets into Mexico.

I tried to declare my weapon but the authorities were so excited that my gun (45 Glock) was only reserved for Police and military. For 10 hours they argued what to do with the gun and in the end, they charged me with the felonies. Straight to jail, boat impounded, gun impounded and me in detention.

After 2 days in the DA detention compound, without hesitation, they transferred me to a Mexican prison with around 400 people, mostly Latins. I got a sharp lawyer with the help of the US Consulate in Cancun Mexico and provided proof to the judge I was not hiding a weapon and wanted to declare it. You are guilty in Mexico until proven innocent. Period.

My cellmates were a kidnapper (accused), a professional hitman (accused) and a rapist (accused). You have 6 days only to provide proof of your innocence or it goes to a different level. I got some help in the prison and all it took was $$$. Ate well, peed in a bucket and slept on the floor. All things are provided from the outside. There are no blankets, toothpaste, toilet paper, nothing except food.

I was the Gringo and everyone was nice, but it could have gone terribly wrong and I could have easily lost my freedom for 5-7 years.

Mexicans have tightened up on guns. Declare them and make sure you are clear that you have a gun. No 45 Caliber here, please. Speak a little Spanish. Don’t bring an excess of bullets. Don’t go to Isla Mujeres with a gun because they are a confused bunch of people. Or maybe it’s me.

Anyway, I got my freedom today and no fine and probably my gun back. I gave a speech to the judge’s assistant and it might have helped. I told him that I did not hide my gun. 3 groups of people saw the gun before Adwana (customs) saw the gun, so that was my salvation.

All and all Mexicans are very nice people, but in this case, it was a mess and all I was doing was entering Mexico after a storm and lack of sleep for 32 hours and trying to declare my weapon.

Have fun in Mexico but don’t break the laws, because it is a country at war with itself. I have my freedom now and a good lesson learned. Know the laws before you enter the country.

Will I still keep a gun the boat. Absolutely. There is nothing worse than the bad guys harming your family and you not being able to protect them.

For Mexico Security Warnings published by the US Department of State see here. [Broken Link]


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