Curacao Marine – Break-in at Long Term Storage Yard

Published 12 years ago, updated 6 years ago

On the night of May 8th, 2012, thieves broke into eighteen yachts that were in dry storage on the hard at Curacao Marine, their owners off-Island.

Curacao Marine have told noonsite that the break-ins occurred as a security guard was not doing his job properly. “It looks like the thieves were looking for arms or money only. Digital cameras, fancy sunglasses, diving, and other watches are still there. Five of the boats look like nobody went inside, but eight of the boats were really messed up completely.”

The yard contacted all owners directly by e-mail with news of the break-in and damage inflicted on their yachts. They began their e-mail with, “Despite our continuous efforts to keep strangers away from our premises, we feel ashamed to inform you that we were confronted with a burglary May 9th in the morning”.

The yard plans to “step-up” security to ensure nothing like this happens again, by:

– Installing more security cameras.

– Improving lighting.

– Use K9 dogs to patrol the upper yard.

– Ensure there is a security guard on duty 24 hours a day.

– A security patrol car will pass by the yard a few times a night.

Whilst all boats hauling out at this yard must have their own insurance coverage for theft, the yard is looking into their own insurance assisting those whose boats have been broken into.

In July 2008, eight yachts were broken into at this same yard.

Curacao, as with many of the Caribbean Islands, has seen a sharp increase in crime, particularly petty theft, in the last year. Cruisers leaving their yachts on the hard should be sure to remove all items of value from above decks and secure them down below, as well as ensuring that all entry points to the boat are properly secured.

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