Curacao Anchorages

Published 18 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Most boats never anchor anywhere else than in Spanish Waters! Get a (free) permit from the harbor master to anchor all along the coast and enjoy very good diving (even if conditions aren’t as easy as in Bonaire). Make sure that you ask for every anchorage you may want to go because you will be checked by either helicopter, big vessel or fast patrol boat running drug traffic surveillance!

Plenty of very nice anchorages like Fuikbaai, St. Michielsbaai (good place to hide if you wait for wx to calm before heading SE), Santa Marthabaai (in the lagoon completely protected in front of the dive center Easy divers run by the very nice Dutch couple Harry & Annelise, narrow entrance scary looking but with plenty of water to enter), Boka Santa Cruz, Grote Knip and West Punt (good departure point for Aruba).

When in Bonaire, it was tough to get parts to repair anything on board but don’t believe the ones who will tell you that you can find everything in Curacao! Anything a little specialized has to come from the States and costs quite a lot by FedEx or air if you cannot wait the 2-3 weeks it will take to come by sea (sea Florida Express). In Spanish Waters, you can get things from Imke (buy like you would from a mail-order company: not much technical help, not much warranty on off the shelf items and bargain!) or Budget Marine.

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