Cruising updates for Luderitz, Namibia

Published 10 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Approach and entrance

Is easy with buoys and leading line in good order and well lit if needing to make a nighttime entrance.

Anchoring and mooring

The mooring buoys are mostly for fishing boats and the diamond dredgers, but it is likely you will be able to find an unused one. We picked up one for a night but had to move when the owner returned the next day. Then we found one behind 2 local yachts and were assured the owner would not be returning for some time. An Englishman, Alan who lives locally, has a trimaran that he visits regularly and should be able to advise. There is room to anchor and holding is reported to be good. There are no charges for mooring or anchoring unless you go alongside the commercial wharves for which the charges are apparently high.


Often increase during the afternoon to 40 knots plus, but tend to die in the evening as the land cools down. The water is cold less than 14C whilst we were there. Rainfall is about 22mm per annum.


Report arrival before entering the harbour on Ch16 and then 12.

Immigration, Customs and the Harbour Master are all next to the yacht club, checking in is quick easy and free. The duty-free limit of 2 litres per person for wine and 1 litre for spirits is enforced and if more is declared it will be impounded and sealed until you leave. There is also a duty-free limit for tobacco.


The yacht club is on the waterfront in the SE of Menai Creek. Landing can be made either on the beach or on the robust floating pontoon. Tie to the west side as trip boats occasionally use the east side.


The yacht club is open from 16:00 pm but a cleaning lady is there in the mornings until 11:00 am so it is possible to use the showers then, you need to book this the day before so that the hot water is turned on.

Water is potable and reasonably plentiful being piped from an aquifer some 150km away. The yacht club allows a container of 20 litres free and then a charge is made.

The yacht club is largely a social club with a pleasant bar and Wi-Fi. The first 3 days are free and then a small charge is made.

The Sea Breeze bar and cafe adjacent to the Yacht Club also has Wi-Fi and there is a good bistro above.

Fuel is available by can from a garage 150m from the yacht club.

There are 2 good supermarkets with prices only slightly higher than South Africa and with almost as good a choice although fresh produce has been chilled as it is all imported from South Africa.

Gas refills are possible.

There is a good if slightly expensive laundry behind the OK supermarket.

There is a good hardware store but no chandlery.

There is a slip where fishing boats are maintained so it may be possible to use it in an emergency. Alan on the trimaran is an engineer and may be able to help with other problems or ask around in the yacht club. Any repairs needing spares can be a lengthy business as nearly all parts have to come from South Africa.

Site seeing

The town is attractive with interesting German/Edwardian architecture and a very relaxed atmosphere; everything can be seen on foot and there is good information available from

a helpful tour and travel agent in the main part of town – yellow shop front. Tours to Kolmanskop, the ‘Ghost Town in the Desert’, can be arranged here; the guides are very good and it is not expensive.

Chris and Lorraine Marchant

SY Gryphon 2

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