Cruising the Florida Islands (the Nggelas): Positive Feedback

The Florida Islands have a reputation within the cruising community for being an unsafe place to visit. Here are reports received from cruisers in support of visiting these beautiful islands whilst cruising with care.

Published 12 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Cruising around the Ngellas / Florida Islands

Posted 24 October, 2012

The Florida Islands, now known locally by their traditional name the Nggelas (pronounced with a silent N), are known for their beautiful cruising grounds and safe all-weather anchorages. Unfortunately, in the last decade they are also known for the regular acts of piracy against visiting yachties. Politics and community governance in the Nggelas in general are fragile, and there is no reliable, centralized law and order, but visiting yachts can cruise there safely with a bit of local knowledge.

The Sesape shipyard, in Tulagi harbour, has been undergoing a multi-million dollar refurbishment in recent years, that is now largely complete. It offers international-standard shipyard services, overseen by an NZ shipwright and engineer, including a 500-tonne slip, and a 65-tonne crane and hardstand area. As usual in the Solomons, it is best to confirm pricing in writing before going too far out of your way. Email for further information. You can anchor in Tulagi harbour safely if you speak to Kim first and follow his advice.

The Roderick Bay yacht club, in Sandfly passage, is being resurrected. The inaugural week-long yacht festival around July 2012 received great reviews. It is more a “village stay”, but moorings have been established by the village and yachts are welcomed and reliable all-night security will be provided by the village. It’s a complete all-weather anchorage. Like everywhere in the Nggelas, setting anchor informally overnight or longer in any seemingly nice place is a far riskier prospect, and invites exorbitant compensation claims or worse. But Roderick Bay is OK. Just pull up and go see the village next to the World Discover wreck. For more info check out this blog at

Nugu Beach Resort is a well-managed locally-owned resort in the south-facing inlet of Buena Vista Island, on the north-west end of the Nggelas. Mooring is out front in about 25m of clean sand, with a clear approach from the south straight towards the resort. This is a very well protected anchorage, especially from the north-west monsoon season. Good budget accommodation, good meals, cold drinks, at reasonable prices, are available. Yachts are welcome. Long-term stay is negotiable, and Nugu Beach is already a popular refuge for long-term yacht stays during the cyclone season. Security is better in Buena Vista than elsewhere in the Nggelas, as it is further away from the more densely settled parts of Big Nggela. Assured higher-level security can be hired through the resort. Email the owner of Nugu Beach Resort at, or call Zac in Honiara on +677 7477657.

Reliable information and advice can be had from Fred Douglas the owner and manager of Extreme Adventures, in Honiara, in Mbokona Bay next door to the Mendana Hotel, near the Point Cruz Yacht Club. It may be worthwhile asking Fred to recommend a man who can accompany the yacht as it moves around the Nggelas. It will only cost about US$10-12 per day, but it will provide peace of mind, and lower risk considerably. Fred has a wide knowledge of Solomon Islands and its waters, especially the Nggelas, and can be emailed at or phone +677 7495415.

The Nggelas are situated about 25 NM across Iron Bottom Sounds from Honiara, looking north. Buena Vista is almost directly on a north-south axis with Honiara (take a 7 degree heading from Point Cruz) and is about 32 NM from Honiara.

Marcus Pelto

S/Y Aita Pe’ape’a.

Rhoderick Bay, Florida Islands: A Warm Welcome for Yachties

Posted 22 October, 2012

On our recent trip from New Zealand to the Philippines, we had the pleasure of attending the Pacific Arts Festival in Honiara. This was well attended by yachties.

After this festival, we went to the first-ever yacht festival held at Rhoderick Bay in the Florida Islands. Seven other yachts attended from several countries. John the chief and his helpers put something very special together as they danced and sang, cooked for us and shared their traditional way of life with us.

I have heard nothing but bad reports from the Florida Group and yes, most yachts are not safe here. However, John is trying to change this image and offers a very safe and secure place for yachts to travel to in these beautiful islands. He has even put in some moorings. The coral is very much alive and you will be made to feel very welcome here by John and his family.

The festival is going to be an annual event held in early July.

Brian Tennant

SY Stella (NZ)

Noonsite Reports about the Florida Islands posted in the last 2 years:

General Cruising Info. for PNG & the Solomons

Mauali Bay (nr Tulaghi): Aggressive Boarders

Tulagi Harbour – Burglary

Florida Islands – Armed Robberies

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