Clearing into Southern Cyprus at Limassol Marina

Published 9 years ago, updated 6 years ago

November 5th, 2015

By Con Sprenger, SY Big Sky

Boats arriving at Limassol Marina, Cyprus, must clear in. All officials have offices in the marina and the process is quick and efficient. Most of us who have sailed from one EU country to another, are accustomed to not having to check in with customs, but Cyprus is different.

Officials are to be visited in the following order:

1) Port police

2) Immigration

3) Customs

Cyprus is part of the European Union, but not part of Schengen (yet). All officials are courteous and friendly and try hard to complete the process quickly and easily, their goal is to make you feel welcome. Cyprus also has the 90 in a 180-day rule for people – and the 18-month rule for non-EU boats. If you or your boat remain for longer periods, inform the officials and in general they will find ways to accommodate your plans.

Port Police:

Boat registration, insurance and a crew list, as well as passports, are required.


Cyprus has the same rule as most other countries, non- residents are allowed to stay for 90 days in a 180 day period. If the intended stay is for less than 90 days, your passport will get an entry stamp. If your stay is for longer than 90 days, officials will keep your passport and issue a landing card. The validity of the landing card is flexible and immigration officials will allow all reasonable timeframes. If a longer period is needed, an extension will be granted. Certain nationalities might require a visa; I have not checked this out.

When departing, you will get a departure stamp in your passport, and if you were issued a landing card, your passport will be returned and stamped upon surrendering the landing card.


Everybody must report to customs, even if you are an EU registered boat with VAT paid status – no exceptions.

Documents required are Ship’s registration, crew list, and power of attorney if the captain is not the owner.

If your stay is for a short period, say a week or less, the clearing in the process is quick, simple and easy. If your stay is for longer periods, additional steps are required as outlined below.

Non-EU registered boat – VAT not paid: A temporary import licence will be issued, for the duration of your stay or for 6 months. In case of longer stays, extensions are easily obtained. The temporary import licence is only available for non-EU citizens and proof must be provided, usually, your passport will suffice. If you leave Cyprus, say by plane, and your boat stays, inform the customs official and the “clock” on your temporary import licence stops for as long as you are out of the country. Make sure to let customs know when you return.

EU registered boat – VAT paid: The following documents are required:

1) Certificate of Registry

2) Builder’s Certificate

3) Certificate of Conformity – if under 24 meters

4) Bill of Sale (Original)

5) T2L – My understanding is that this is a document providing proof that the boat was manufactured in accordance with EU standards and regulations.

6) Document to prove that VAT has been paid. In most cases, this would be the original invoice from the factory to its first owner.

Customs official(s) will visit your boat to verify serial numbers – boat and engine. If you do not have all the documents listed above, the customs officials will work with you to overcome any obstacle.

Non-EU registered boat – VAT paid: As EU registered boat above.

Our boat falls into this category, lacking some of the required documents. The customs official suggested that it would be simpler to issue a temporary import licence, which was done on-site at no cost.


Plan ahead. The port police office is staffed 24/7, immigration will be called by the port police, the customs office is staffed from 7 AM to 3 PM Monday to Friday. If you are planning to leave when the customs office is closed, clear customs ahead of time during their regular working hours.

Con Sprenger

SY Big Sky

Con and his wife Barb have been cruising the Mediterranean for 8 years. Both have contributed a great many reviews to noonsite over the years. Just put “Sprenger” in the search function to find a complete list.

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