Clearance in Croatia 2024

There have been announcements indicating potential alterations in regulations concerning the entry of foreign vessels and the issuance of vignettes (now called the Navigation Fee). These changes might be implemented by the summer of 2024, report Mandinus yacht agency.

Published 10 months ago

As reported by Mandinus Yacht Agency.

Online Boat Registration: Clearance in Croatia 2024​

The year 2024 is anticipated to offer a more relaxed experience for boating enthusiasts compared to the previous year. In 2023, two significant changes occurred for yacht owners, making visiting Croatia by yacht easier – entry into the Schengen area and the adoption of the Euro as the official currency.

the town of hvar descends down the hillside from the castle to the harbor which is square and lined with all sizes of boats - in the distance are a litter of small islands
A view of Hvar Harbor by Chris Thorne



Joining the Schengen area represents the most substantial and pivotal change, as border abolition means that all yachts arriving into Croatia from another Schengen country (even if the passage to Croatia has crossed international waters), are no longer subject to any border controls and can enter any port in Croatia.


The second major change from 2023 is the adoption of the euro, simplifying tourism business operations by eliminating the need for currency conversion. This also aids cruisers in comparing prices. The requirement for dual price displays on invoices, present in 2023, is no longer in effect as of 01.01.2024, but a gradual phasing out of this practice is expected.

Clearance in Croatia 2024

At the start of this year, no visible changes have occurred in the issuance procedures or fees. However, there have been announcements indicating potential alterations in regulations concerning the entry of foreign vessels and the Navigation Fees (vignette). These changes might be implemented by the summer of 2024.

Once these adjustments are implemented, unregistered vessels will no longer be eligible to pay the Navigation Fee nor sail in Croatian waters.

In some European Union countries, vessel registration is not compulsory for domestic water navigation. For instance, in Italy, vessels up to 10.00 meters don’t require registration for navigating Italian waters. Currently, Croatia tolerates such unregistered vessels, not only from Italy but also from other countries. If this policy changes, such vessels will need to register for navigation in Croatian waters. These potential modifications are likely to impact a small group of boaters.

Online Boat Registration 2024

All Navigation Fees (vignettes/permits) issued in 2023 were valid until 31.12.2023., becoming invalid at the end of the calendar year, regardless of their issuance date. Therefore, it’s advisable to register promptly for the Navigation Fee if planning to visit Croatia this year.

Find out more at Croatia Clearance.


The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of or World Cruising.


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