Channel Island Boats Beware in Greece

A Transit Log and only 1 Month Permitted in Greece.

Published 12 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Report 1 – from Clive and Jane Green of S/Y Jane-G of Milford Haven

June 2011

Recently we encountered a problem with our Guernsey Part 1 Registration.

Last August (2010) we cleared into Greece at Limnos with no problems and were given a DEKPA as a British Registered vessel. This we had stamped by the Port Police on several islands and we cleared out of Greece, for Turkey, in Simi with no problems.

We cleared back into Greece at Simi in April this year (2011) again with no problems using our DEKPA.

In Samos, they picked up on the Port of Registry. We were told that our paperwork was wrong and we needed a Transit Log. Although we said we were British Registered they insisted that because it was registered in Guernsey and therefore not EU, we had to have a Transit Log. The next problem was our home address, as this is in the UK (part of the EU)this meant we could only stay for 1 month if we had not been out of the EU for 183 days in the last 360 days.

We then went to Mitilini, Lesvos, where they were surprised to see we had a Transit Log. We explained everything to them and the Customs Officer said he would investigate the problem. On returning to see him the next day, we were told it was correct but he was surprised.

We changed our plans and cleared out at Mitilini and went to Ayvalik, Turkey, to organise a marine berth for when we fly back to the UK in July and August.

We now had a month to cruise so we went to Marina, Limnos to clear back into Greece. We started to explain that we thought we needed a Transit Log when they pulled out our old DEKPA that had been sent back to them and they were very annoyed with Samos. As we were now there, they started to pull out bits of paper and eventually found the relevant paragraph which did indeed say that we needed a Transit Log. They did not say anything about the fact that our home address was in the UK so we kept quiet.

The moral of this story is that it appears to be very hit or miss as to who actually knows about the Channel Islands problem. As the Port Police in Limnos said he has no idea where Guernsey is, so how is he to know that a yacht should be treated any different to any other British Registered vessel.

I must add that all the Officials were extremely kind, friendly and helpful and we actually had great fun with the guys in Limnos over the situation and we have no complaint about how the situation was handled. They are right and so we must follow their regulations. In fact, we have discovered that it actually states in the Greek Water Pilot by Rod Heikell that we should have a Transit log and only be allowed 1 month because of our home address.

So Channel Island boats beware – you may be lucky and get a DEKPA but don’t get it stamped in Samos, Lesvos or Limnos because they now know all about it. On returning to the UK in July our priority is to re-register the boat as SSR.

Report 2 – from Terry of S/Y Freya of Asgard

June 2011

We checked into Simi early May 2011. We are registered in the Channel Islands where we live. We were only given one month! We were told that it was because we were registered “Offshore”. In previous years with the same Boat, we have received a one year permit. We have contacted RYA & British Registration. Both basically say it is not in agreement with EU law but they cannot actually help.

Report 3 – from Roger David Atkinson of SY Blade

October 2012

Blade is a British registered vessel, port Cowes, Isle of Wight. I, as owner and user, am resident in Jersey but born in the UK and have an unrestricted EU passport.

Entering Greece in Corfu I visited all the right authorities and was issued with a Transit Log – which I did not notice until later is valid for one month only. It would seem that the EU registration of the boat is lost due to my residency in Jersey, but my personal status is an EU owner.

These are the only circumstances, as far as I can see, where a one-month restriction applies. How barmy can you get? My boat is now out of the water for the winter and somehow my permit will have to be extended. However, it will be for the shortest possible period to allow me to get out of Greece and into Turkey.


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