Callao (Lima), Peru – Our Experience

Published 15 years ago, updated 6 years ago

We’ve done this only once so I hope that yachts that cruise these waters regularly would contribute for a more complete picture.

Clearing In at Callao (Lima)

The clearing in process in Peru is still the same for yachts as it is for container ships. Several sources and many stories indicate that a cruiser should avoid all Peruvian ports except Callao. The Peruvian authorities are very protective of their coastline and require a position report every day at 0800 and 2000 while the vessel is in Peruvian waters. We had trouble with making contact on voice SSB so I sent our position by Sailmail. I often got a reply of confirmation and thanks.

Should a yacht need to pull in for diesel before Callao, it would be wise to get permission from the coast station first. A full log of all radio traffic with the authorities is important. (I don’t normally keep a radio log, but scribbled something on a notebook along the way. As we arrived, the notebook was taken by the authorities for photocopying. Turning up unannounced to a port for fuel may end up costly and complicated, as fines for unauthorised entry may be over $ 1000. Best to aim directly at Callao!


Jaime Ackerman in the Yacht Club Peruano is not able to guide people through the c/in process any longer, as the number of visiting yachts is increasing and he has found himself being stuck in offices at times when he was needed in the club. This situation may change, of course, but a cruiser should not rely on Jaime’s or the Yacht Club Peruano’s services for clearance. Mr Ackerman strongly recommends using an agent, though it is possible to do the clearing in yourself. A good command of Spanish language is needed if one insists on doing the job. There may or may not be attempted by the officials to extract extra fees and bribes from the “gringo”.

We opted for using an agent. Within an hour of our arrival, the agent and relevant authorities turned up with the Yacht Club launch. The first thing I was asked for was the ship’s stamp, which was used to pound the massive stack of paperwork before the captain’s signature. Our passports were taken ashore to be stamped and we collected them a few hours later from the club office. The officials were friendly and jovial and the whole procedure was quick and pleasant.

The cost of clearing includes about US $100 for authorities plus agent fee. The cost varies depending on the agent, size of yacht and the captain’s ability to haggle. Total cost of clearing in / out should be US $200-400.

There is nothing difficult or unpleasant in visiting Callao as long as the paperwork is in order and the captain maintains contact with authorities during the coastal passage. All of our contacts with coast guard etc. either by email or by radio were met with polite and friendly response. All the coast stations speak reasonable English. The Yacht Club Peruano is in a safe area and the staff is welcoming and helpful. If planning to visit, it is a good idea to contact the club and establish contact prior to departure from the previous port. There are many cruisers in the area and Callao is a perfectly safe place for leaving the yacht and do inland travel.


Costera Callao is working on SSB 8255(rx) / 8779(tx)

Approaching from north, the initial entry to Peruvian waters should be notified to

Approaching from south, the initial entry to Peruvian waters should be notified to

Position reports can be sent to:-

Yacht Club Peruano

Jaime Ackermann is at

The mooring area of the Club:

a) Q = 12º  03’ 48.9”     L = 77º  09’ 55.2”

b) Q = 12º  03’ 55.8”     L = 77º  09’ 50.7”

c) Q = 12º  03’ 50.7”     L = 77º  09’ 42.5”

d) Q = 12º  03’ 43.7”     L = 77º  09’ 47.8”

Yacht Club Peruano can be found in [Broken Link]


For those with good Spanish language skills, find official info in

The agent we used is called Jose Luis Borbor Espinoza.

Email: or

The agency is managed by Mr Napuri. There are other agents available but I have no information of them. Jose Luis was friendly, reliable and professional. We also found him laid back and casual, making the whole procedure quite pleasant and relaxed. We emailed him our ETA and he met us with all paperwork and authorities at the time we had given as our ETA.

Lauri Strengell

Sy Aliisa

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