Around the next Bend – a 7 month journey along the many rivers of Guyana and Venezuela

September 2010: This book is about Bernie and Yvonne Katchor’s 7 months journey along the many rivers of Guyana and Venezuela exploring as far as 500 km upstream.

Published 14 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Around the Next Bend

By Bernie Katchor

164 pages, 8 inches by 10 inches, with 96 photographs each with an in-depth caption.

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List Price $18.50

Traveling where few have ever been, meeting many peoples (rarely, if ever, visited by Caucasians), the author, accompanied by his wife, take their sailing boat up the Macareo River on the north-east corner of South America. Here primitive Warao Indians live and warm meaningful contact is made.

A month later, turning into the mighty Orinoco River they head towards the Caribbean Sea. Immediately before this massive swirling river meets the ocean, the Barima River is entered leaving Venezuela for Guyana giving access to ten Guyanese rainforest rivers each one different with its own personality and people.

Months of quality time living with almost pygmy “primitive” people give the author a deep insight and clear understanding of their culture, beliefs, hunting methods and delicious foods (a local recipe heads up each chapter). Katchor tells his tale of his adventure and in-depth meetings with primitive Indians in a delightful fashion.

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