Adriatic Cruise 2009 – Update to Montenegro section of Adriatic Pilot

Published 15 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Some corrections and new information – Adriatic Pilot

Clive and Norma Probert

S/Y Sanyassa

Our edition of The Adriatic Pilot was the 4th. and we downloaded the July 2006 corrections. These corrections are based on the above during June, July and August 2009.


Page 38


Stayed on a custom dock behind police boat. Nobody seemed to mind.

To check in one first has to go to the harbourmaster’s (Kapotinieri) office. This is not easy to find, it took me 1/2hr. Leave the customs building and walk past the marina car park entrance hut. Continue down a narrow path to the left of a bar/café through some trees. The office is on the south side of the first building up a short flight of stairs. It displays no flags.

The harbour master copies all the ships documents then you fill in four carbonised sheets of a crew list which you then have to take to the police and customs. You then have to take these back to the harbourmaster who issues you with your vignette. The cost of this has changed recently and is charged as per the following table

Length       1 week  1 Month  3 Months  6 Months   1 year

7 to 12 M   40 euro  95 euro  200 euro  280 euro   400 euro

12 to 17 M  120 euro 220 euro 400 euro  540 euro   750 euro

17 to 24 M  200 euro 340 euro 600 euro  800 euro   1,100 euro

Above 24M   420 euro 600 euro 900 euro  1,240 euro 1,500 euro

We are a 10.88m catamaran, we booked 1 week. As per the table, this was 40 euros. We were given a ticket by the harbourmaster which had an added 5 euro,? a tax. We had to take this to the Post Office which is inside the ferry terminal building. There we were charged 46.20 euro! The extra 1.20 euro was a service charge for the post office. Whether this is a fixed service charge or pro rata we did not ask.

Page 47


Large areas here are occupied by mussel beds, but there is still plenty of room to anchor.

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The Naval Dockyard seems to have disappeared. In its place is a rather upmarket looking marina. It looked less than half full and possibly not fully completed. A large conspicuous red and white crane on site.

About a mile to the east of Tivat, close to the airport, there is a boatyard with a travel lift.

Donji Morinj

A quiet anchorage this was not! We were kept awake by a disco which lasted until 0330hrs, and by the constant traffic noise from the nearby road which continued all through the night.

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We were checking in here. There were two cruise ships on the dock. One of the main quay and one in the river berth. There was an obvious customs compound. We called the harbourmaster on VHF 16 and 12 to try and get instructions on where to go, but we received no reply.

The chartlet shown on this page is wrong. The main dock continues straight, apart from a short notch right down to the south-east corner. Just before the notch is a pontoon at right angles to the dock. At the notch is a small sign “Kotor Marina.” The pontoon and the dock south of the notch have lines tailed to the dock. Marina staff direct you to a berth.

We moored here. We were charged 50 euros for our 10.88m catamaran. When checking in we were told by the police that we should have gone on the Custom’s dock and they seemed quite angry that we had not done so. However, when we pointed out the dock was full of a cruise ship and that we had tried to contact the harbourmaster on VHF for instructions, they calmed down.

The daily market is across the road from the marina.



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