Wallis and Futuna - Facts

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  • Wallis and Futuna, officially the Territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands, is situated in the South Pacific between Tuvalu to the northwest, Fiji to the southwest, Tonga to the southeast, Samoa to the east and Tokelau to the northeast.
  • The islands are among the safest places in the world. Locals are, more often than not, helpful. Mosquitoes and sunburn are likely to be your biggest concerns.
  • Wallis and Futuna are two island groups separated by 240 kms (150 miles) of ocean and are a Territorial Collective (Collectivité d’Outre-Mer) of France. Lying west of Samoa and slightly off the route to Fiji, Wallis and Futuna are not often visited by cruising yachts.
  • The pass into the lagoon at Wallis is relatively easy to negotiate and there are several anchorages, the most popular and best protected being at Gahi Bay. There are also several small islets in the lagoon which can be used as day anchorages.
  • Ashore one can come in contact with a relatively unspoilt Polynesian society where the rule of the traditional Polynesian chieftain, the Lavelua, still commands more respect than the French administration. The singing and dancing of the Wallisians is vigorous and one of the few places where traditional songs have not been changed by missionary influences. For more information see Local Customs
  • A similar atmosphere survives on the smaller Futuna, which does not have a protected lagoon, but only an anchorage at Sigave Bay on the west coast.
  • See Yachting Essentials for details of supplies and provisions.

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Wallis and Futuna was last updated 2 years ago.

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  1. August 8, 2016 at 8:22 PM
    Data Entry3 says:

    2016/08 Wallis Radio only monitor 16 now, Michel Soula is no longer there. Navionic chart plotter was very accurate and the tide and current charts are spot on. The small boat customs is right on the docks now, you don’t have to walk the 1 1/2 km to get to them, although the police do indicate that you have to walk up there YOU DO NOT, that is a customs office but is for importing goods. The anchoring information remains correct.

  2. June 1, 2015 at 1:16 AM
    Data Entry3 says:

    2015/05 : Wallis Radio is effective on Chanel 09 in the south and Channel 22 in the east part of the lagon. Michel Soûla will give you indications on the best places to anchor according to the weather. Mata Utu, Gahi, Halalo, or West of Faioa. Michel is watching on the motor boats which are going outside the lagon for fishing and hé has an AIS to follow you and help you If necessary.