Wallilabou Bay - General Info

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ALERT: The island nations of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada were the worst affected by Hurricane Beryl at the start of July 2024. The Grenadines were particularly hard hit. Read this news item for further details and how you can help.


Situated on the NW coast of St Vincent, this picturesque bay is a good diving spot. The remains of the old film set for “Pirates of the Caribbean” can be seen here, however, what is left is reported to be rather shabby and disappointing.


13° 15’N, 61° 17’W.

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Wallilabou Bay was last updated 8 months ago.

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  1. January 10, 2019 at 8:08 AM
    Data Entry3 says:

    St Vincent –Wallilabou

    Met by Boat Boy Marcus who for EC$50 took our stern line ashore to a palm tree and helped us secure stern too. Fabulous arrangement for checking in, (among the ageing set of Pirates of the Caribbean), with Customs and Immigration. Just turned up about 4 p.m., had a beer at the bar and they told us when the Customs guy arrived. Back to have another beer and the bartender told us when the immigration guy arrived.

    Went around the corner to have a superb dinner at Rock Side Café where Orlando rowed us ashore and Rosi hosted us to a superb home cooked three-course dinner. We were the only boat in Keaton and Orlando had a man with a torch watching our boat throughout the night. We slept with the hatches firmly locked.

  2. January 1, 2019 at 8:07 AM
    Data Entry3 says:

    As reported by the Caribbean Security & Safety Net:
    DATE: 2018-12-17 04:00
    Country Name: SVG
    Location Detail: St. Vincent Wallilabou
    EVENT: Theft
    HAND: 1
    Stolen Items: $80 ECD
    DETAILS: In the afternoon the owners of a private yacht approached the anchorage and engaged a boat boy for tying up to a mooring, agreeing on a price of $20 ECD for this service. The owners had only a $100 ECD bill, and the boat boy agreed to return promptly with their change.

    He did not return. Later, the crew went ashore and paid separately for the mooring, indicating to the business the name of the boat boy, but they proved unhelpful. The yacht departed the next day.

  3. March 8, 2018 at 8:06 AM
    Data Entry3 says:

    As reported by the Caribbean Security & Safety Net:
    DATE: 2018-02-17 17:00
    Country Name: SVG
    Location Detail: St. Vincent Wallilabou
    EVENT: Theft
    HAND: 1
    Stolen Items: Petrol can and dinghy security strap
    SECURED: Not Locked
    DETAILS: Cruisers arriving on their monohull in Wallilabou were “mobbed” by numerous boat boys and unable to keep an eye on all of them as they secured their boat.

    The dinghy had to be lowered off the davits to take a line ashore and a fuel can and a strap were taken from the floor of the dinghy. The boat boys were described as “aggressive” and demanded 100 EC for help getting a line ashore.

  4. June 23, 2017 at 8:05 AM
    Data Entry3 says:

    As reported by the Caribbean Security & Safety Net:
    DATE: 2017-05-24 05:00
    Country Name: SVG
    Location Detail: St. Vincent Wallilabou
    EVENT: Theft
    HAND: 1
    Stolen Items: Dinghy
    SECURED: Not Locked
    DETAILS: At first light, a boat boy arrived with the yacht’s dinghy, the owners had not yet realized it was missing. The boat boy asked for a “security fee” for the safe return of the dinghy and a modest fee was paid. The owners had not locked the dinghy to the yacht but did not feel it had gone adrift. They now lock the dinghy overnight.

  5. May 20, 2015 at 8:04 AM
    Data Entry3 says:

    We had a ball! Used “the twins” Ron and Ronnie to help us moor to the Anchorage Hotel dock. Everything is a little rough but don’t let that stop you. We enjoyed the entire experience. Try and buy a little something from each of the water vendors (10-15 EC with each one goes a long way). Along with another boat, we stayed an extra night and did a tour to Dark Falls. Ron arranged it Ronnie came as a tour guide and our driver was Cecil Doyle. Great Experience!